<11/11/2020 - 19:45 | Link Street (Park), Marietta, GA, USA>
"The AE Data Philosophy," Lumina repeated aloud, hoping to get any initial grasp on where my enlightenment centered at its core.
I had just gotten through explaining the source of this new information, but now I had to explain the whole principle to Lumina as well. I wouldn't normally go this far anyway, but she really was interested to hear every detail about what makes up our whole universe, and I wasn't about to deny her that answer. "Correct. The AE Data Philosophy is more of a philosophy than it is a theory; because in this philosophy, it merely serves as a means to better explain the role of all existence and its definitions through mediums of perceptions. It isn't about establishing or believing in one universal truth, but instead, provides a means by which to help us understand anything at all. What I call data, another may call light, or heat. All could be correct, and so, I do not consider this a theory in place of a philosophy."
"But what exactly is AE data? Where did you even get the acronym from?"
"I actually don't remember what it stood for at the time, nor do I care. You can call it XT data or ABC principles, or whatever. I use AE because it rolls off the tongue better, and also because that's what came to mind first when I had meditated on it not too long back."
"The principle is based on a multi-level ascension within the detail level and all possible definitions of data and information, through which existence itself can be defined, acknowledged, experienced, and therefore, self-sustained. The very first building block of this is AE data, or more specifically known, A1E data, one being the very first plane of existence for all information, the first format of fundamental information; polarity."
"Polarity; the principle of existing in a binary-only state. True or false; yes or no; on or off; existing or not existing."
"I don't understand."
"In a sense, if we remove the quantum aspect of binary digital data for example, A1E data can be represented as a digital collection of ones and zeros. Even if you have a massive block of ones and zeros, these numbers on their own don't really mean anything outside of, ones and zeros. The data cannot be in between, only one or the other; such is the state of polarity, and the basic principle of A1E data."
"But we're not made up of numbers."
"To a partial degree, yes we are. Numbers are not constructs of physical matter or energy; they are instead figments and ideas, representative variables meant to sort and categorize details later on. All existence has this. We are of course much more than A1E data, but we also contain within ourselves A1E data; everything does, including thoughts and ideas."
"Look at it like this. Say you have a have a simple switch, a lever in front of you which can only go in two directions, left and right. Since it can only be one or the other, the initial default of this switch, we'll say for now, will be set to the right. Standing in front of this switch, you have the power to alter this switch from right to left, or back from left to right again."
Just keep up with me Lumina. I'm only getting started. "If we try to examine the specific data of this lever while the lever is in the right position, the A1E data that can be extracted from this switch will have many aspects of polarity defining its current state. The most obvious factor is that out of left or right, the switch is in the right position. Fundamentally, if you look at the binary representation of this principle, what result do you have in detail?"
RomanceI have a secret that I don't share with most. I've been swept up into something bigger than anything I could ever imagine, and now I'm involved with more than just this one world. Our universe is bigger and more amazing than anyone realizes. Reality...