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don't kill me but timeskip to july 14th 2007

today u and the guys had a photoshoot.

u and bill got up early. it was like 8am. "y/n meine leibe,we have a photoshoot,wake up" bill said softly shaking u. u groan as u sit up.

"good morning meine leibe" bill said kissing u "good morning" u said. as you get up bill walks into the bathroom.

as you stood up you felt really lightheaded. 'shit' you think as you try to catch your balance.

bill walked out and saw u "y/n are u ok?!" he asked running over to help u. "yea I think so" u said tripping over ur words "if u don't feel good we can reschedule this " he said "no I'm fine,I promise,now ima go get ready" u said walking away.


u had just finished getting ready so u walked out of bills room. u saw him walk out of the guest bathroom. "sorry was I taking to long?" u ask "yea but it's ok" he says as he hugs u.

once yall let go,yall walk down and see that georg and Gustav arrived "oh hey guys!" u said "Hey y/n and bill" they said "so where is tom?" Gustav asked "taking forever. TOM HURRY UR ASS UP" bill yelled

"OK OK GEEZ!"tom said walking out of his room,then down the stairs. once he got down he noticed u looked weird "u good y/n?" Tom said. "huh?oh yea why?" u ask "u just look weird" "that's rude" "no I didnt mean it like that well yea I did" he said as he laughed "but u actually meant u don't look normal" "oh I just don't really feel that good" u said. "oh" he said.

"we need to go cmon guys" georg said and yall walked out.

*more timeskips bc I love them*

yall arrived to the photoshoot and were taking the photos. "ok yall can take a break and go get something to eat if u want" the photographer said

yall nodded and headed out. "so where do we go?" Gustav asked "MCDONALDSSS!!!!!!!!!!"bill said jumping up and down "but bill we had McDonald's yesterday" u said "and the day before" tom said "and the day before that" gustav said "and everyday day before that" georg said "PLEASEEEEEEE" he begged yall "ugh fine let's go" georg said.

yall headed out to McDonald's and bill,tom,and Gustav went inside and u and georg said in the car. "Hey u alright?u seemed off today " he asked "I don't even know,when I woke up I got really light headed and I almost fell" u said "y/n ur not...?" he started "WHAT NO,WE HAVE ONLY DONE IT LIKE 3 TIMES AND WITH CONDOMS IM NOT THAT STUPID" u said "ok well I didn't need to know the 3 times but still u could be" he said "but I'm only 17,I'm not even an adult" u said "that doesn't mean anything,maybe after u eat I can but u a test?" "it's up to u,but what if I am? what if bill isn't ready,he is almost 18,there is no he is ready,but what if I am and we break up? georg help me idk what to do" u said "well if it comes back positive and he leaves u,I'm leaving with u, ur my bestfriend and I will help u no matter what" he says. yall hug each other then the others come back.

"heres yall food" bill said getting in next to u "thank uu" u said. u looked Iverson at georg and he did too .

*timeskip again*


he photoshoot was over and yall headed back to the twins house. gustav and georg were gonna hang out with yall for the rest of the day. "Hey I'm gonna run to the store to get me um.. SOME CANDY,yea im gonna go get so candy,yall want anything?" georg asked "here I'll come with to help u" u said

they told u what they wanted then u put ur shoes on and kissed bill goodbye.

"ok let's do this" u said as u and georg pulled out of the twins driveway in ur car.

there was a whole lot of traffic so u texted ur group chat with the boys

the fammy wammy🤞🏽

u:hey guys we might be gone for a while because there is really a lot of traffic out here

bill:oh ok stay safe

tom:igh js get me my candy

gustav: ok ne careful!

u:kk love yall

everyone: love uu

"ok I told them" u said "ok let me try and get of the highway right here" georg said trying to pull out.

he managed to get off and yall arrived to the store. "ill get their candy if u wanna go get the test?" georg said "ok but can we test it at ur house,I dint want bill to know yet" u asked "of course now go" he said and u walked off.

*bills pov*

"y/n seems off today,what do yall think?" Tom said "I dint know but she does seem off,was she ok this morning bill?". I was staring off into space not paying attention "bill?" Tom said pushing me "huh what? oh uh no she got really light headed and she almost fell when I walked out the bathroom" I said

"wait what if she is pregnant?" Tom said "wait what,why would u think that?" I said "I don't know why I said that,but it could be a possibility I mean u never know" tom said. I just sat there in silence debating if she could be "I mean when was the last time yall did it?" Gustav said. "why would I tell u that?" "beacuse unlike u too ik how long it takes to figure out how long it is till u find out" gustav said "oh well then,I think about like maybe 6, 7 weeks ago?" I said "oh shit,that's how long it takes kinda" gustav said.

I covered my mouth in shock. 'shit,she cant be pregnant, but what if she is? I won't leave her even if she is, but she cant...' I think to myself "she probably isnt,she could just be sick?" Tom said "yea maybe..." I said

*back with u and georg*

you and georg arrived to his house and u ran to the restroom. "good luck" he said "hopefully,it should take about 10 minutes and I got 2 because sometimes there wrong" u said "ok,ill be in my living room" he said and u nodded.

u sat down and took it.

*10 minutes later*

"y/n u ok??" georg said knocking on the bathroom door. after a hot minute u walked out. "well?" he asked "ok I haven't looked but should we look at it now?" u asked sitting down "yess check it!" he said "ok 3... 2... 1..."

hey guys,cliffhanger and my cousin isn't here nomo so hopefully I'll update more often but yeaa that's it for today pookies
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