big news

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okay here i got 4 just in case"he said "okay I cant thank you more" "no worries, ill be in the living room" "okayy" you said and went in the bathroom.

'okay i can do this..' you thought and took them all.

"okay now i wait 10 minutes" you said to urself and sat there for the next 10 minutes.

*10 mins later*

you were finna check but then heard a knock "uh who is it?" you asked "its meee" he said "uhm more specific?" "its me liebe" "ohhh come in" you said and bill walked in.

"well?" he asked "i was just about to check.." you said

"oh well lets do it together!" he said and you smiled

"okay on the count of 3 flip them. 1... 2 ... 3!!!" you said and yall each flipped 2

"it is.."  ]

end of rewind


it is.." bill started

"positive..." you said  slowly looking up "these ones say positive too .." bill says. tears start to form in ur eyes. "bill.." you said and he pulled you into a hug "oh my gosh is this really happening.." you said balling ur eyes out . "i guess it meine liebe but listen we can get through this together" he said

"bill i dont know if i wanna keep it.." you said "oh" you heard the man say "its up to you y/n im not stoping you. yea its my baby but still" he said "are you sure?" "positive" he said and kissed you "here lets go tell the others" you said and he nodded.

yall ran down stairs and saw everybody sitting there. when georg saw you he shot up and said "well?" "uhm guys we gotta talk.." you said. georgs face turned and you noticed. "okay whats up?"tom asked. you and bill sat down "okay i dont know how to say this but-" you started then pulled out the test. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" tom said and stood up "UR LYING" gustav said. tears formed in ur eyes again as they said that "guys dont yell at her!"bill said defending you "bro y/n ur actually pregnant oh my" georg said "mhm". you couldnt tell if tom was mad sad or happy.

Tom's pov

bro i had never been so happy. i was gonna be a uncle!! uncle Tom. no that sounds weird. but aye IM GONNA BE A UNCLE!!

"DUDE IM SO HAPPY FOR YALL IM GONNA BE A UNCLE!!" tom said. y/n and bill looked at each other which confusdf me. "actually tom.. jm kinda not keeping it.." you said. i got so sad. "NO Y/N YOU CANT" gustav said "wait what why?" she asked "y/n you don't realize how big of a journey ur heading down. this is gonna change our lives but aye its a good journey like come on ur pregnant kitten whiskers" she laughed at thr name gustav said as she remebr he used to always say that. "gustavs right. y/n ur gonna be a mom! do you not realize how exciting that is?" i said "i guess. i need time to think" she said and we all agreed to give her until she came home.

3rd pov

ur going to ur moms house for a week. uu were happy because ur dog star was there. you hadnt seen her in so long. you had hoped she remebrs you atleast.

"well im gonna go pack" you said and they all said okay in a sync. you then ran upstairs to pack. bill followed after you.

"soo are uu gonna tell ur mom?" he asked. you stood there not knowing what to say until you thought maybe you should "yea it might be good if i do" you said "okay , ima miss you" bill said making a sad baby face. "awe bill you big baby , ill miss you too and dont worry ill call you every night" you said and kissed him

soon then you finished packing and jumped in the bed next to bill. you put on his hoodie because  it was cold and snuggled in next to him. "sooo what do you wanna do?" he asked "well im pregnant so we cant have se-" you started until bill cut you off

"WAIT WHAT?!" he said in shock

"bill i dont wanna risk it while i am  pregnant" you said and he frowned

"awe its okay uu big softie but uhm i guess we could watch a movie?" you suggested and he agreed.

yall put on a good movie and you fell asleep watching it. bill was about to say something to you but then he noticed you had fallen asleep 'awe shes so adorable' he thinks to himself as he kissed ur forehead.

*the next morning*

it was around 4am and ur plane was leaving soon. ur alarm went off and it woke bill up but not you. "ugh meine liebe get tf uppp you have a plane to catch" he said shaking you "mm 5 more minutes" you said groaning "mm no now get up or no kisse-" he started "OKAY OKAY IM AWAKE" you said sitting up "good girl" he said and you laughed as you kissed him

you got up and grabbed ur stuff to put it in ur car. bill had helped you put everything in the car. "here lets go eat before you go" he said and you nodded.

yall made a small breakfast and ate. you said bye to everyone the night before because you had to leave such early in the morning. "okay you ready?" bill asked and you nodded.

bill was gonna drive you to the airport. yall then left.


yall arrivied at the airport and bill helped you out. "ill miss you so much" he said "ill miss you more" you said and kissed him. he hugged you what felt like forever. yall finally let go and kissed goodbye as you left.

you knew this would be a long week.

*timeskip to when uou got there*

ur mom helped you bring everything in. alex and mia hugged you as they missed you. star came running over. "awe my puppys gotten so big" you said sadly. "mia you took good care of her right?" "of course!!" she said and smiled.

you ran up to ur room and got settled in.

about 30 minutes later ur mom came knocking on ur door "come inn!!" you yelled "y/n honey i made lunch if ur hungry!" she said "okay! also uhh mom can we talk.." you said "yes ofc honey whats up?" she asked and sat down next to you.

you then explained the whole thing

"ur pregnant..?" she asked. "mhm" you said. she was in shock "look i understand if ur ma-" you started but she hugged you "im so happy for you honey" she saidm that really warmed ur heart and then you realized "mom im not keeping it." she was in shock "honey WHYYY??" she looked sad. "im not ready" you said "pleaseeee keep it y/nn!!" she said "maybe i dont know yet" you said.

she gave you a look and you said  "oh my gosh okay ive made a choice." you said.  she was waiting on you to say it "welll????" she said

"i will keep it!!" you said "YAYYYYY" ur mom said.

you went down stairs and told alex and mia and they were happy for you. 

you started to realize how cool being a mom would be. but how woulf the fans react..?

HIII GUYSSS. i get to see my amazing cousin tmrwww i miss her smmm. also she helped on this chapter whe gave me ideas n shi ykyk.
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