halloween szn

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its halloween szn so ima make a halloween chapterr than anothet christmas onr cs why nott well ig i gotta do a timeskip for thaa

it was October 2th,2 days before halloween!! you really wanted to dress up even tho you were an adult. you wanted to match with bill tho but you were to shy to ask.

"hey baby wanna go halloween shopping for like candy?" "YESSSSS" you said jumping up and down. he just smiled at your reaction

"ok go get dressed and lets go" bill said giggling.

you said ok then ran upstairs to change.

you put some sweat pants on and grabbed a black crop top. you grabbed one of bills jackets because you knew it would be cold.

you came downstairs and he noticed his jacket "uh excuse me miss is that my jacket i think im seeing?" he said "uhhh so you see.. i ..uhhhh" you didnt know what to say "its ok liebe it looks adorable on you" he said smirking and winking at you and you blushed

you grabbed his face and kissed him as he wrapped his arms around ur waist.

after a minute or so yall let go "ok lets go now" he said grabbing ur hand.

yall ran out to the car and headed to the store.

*timeskip to the store*

yall made it to the store and ran in. you saw the cutest little halloween blanket you wanted. "were here for candy meine leibe" "but pleaseeee bill its practically calling my name" you said begging "ugh fineee" "YAYYYYY" you said jumping up and down of joy. he jsut admired you. "what?" you said curious why he was just staring "oh uh nothing" he said and yiu smiled.

"also bill i have a question.." you said "yea whats up?" "can we like um.. uhh" you started "huh?" he said confused

"can we get matching halloween costumes. AND BEFORE YOU SAY NO just hear me out. i dont careee that were adults i just really wanna match with youu!"

"i wasnt gonna say no leibe of course we can! and remeber were throwing that halloween party so he gotta dress up" he said laughign "oh yea i forgot about the party" you said smiling st him.

yall got some candy and you got a couple bags so yall would not run out that fast.

yall went over to the costume area and started to pick one out.

"what should we be?" bill asked "uhh i dont know.. WAIT WHAT ABOUT SALLY AND JACK?!" you said beacuse you literally love the nightmare before Christmas

its basic im sorry i literally cant think of nun rn-a/n

"that's a great idea lets go find some outfits" he said and yall started looking

yall got some then started getting a couple decorations then you both headed out.

yall arrived home

"eeee i cant wait for Halloween but you know what else..." you started "dont even bring up Christmas" bill said

"WHAT BUT WE STARTED DATING ON CHRISTMAS" you said "oh yea duh" "ur mean" you said pouting

"oh i see how it is. ill go text my hoes then" bill said jokingly "WHAT?!" you got all mad.

you ran up to bills room and jumped on his bed acting sad

*bills pov*

"WAIT LIEBE IM JUST KIDDING COME BACK" i said running up the stairs to my room.

i saw her laying on my bed fake crying. "awe my poor baby" i said "no go text ur hoes" she said joking.

i sat down next to her then grabbed her and put her on my lap. her face turned red at the action. "come on baby you know im joking" i said then kissing her.

she kissed me back then hugged me "oh i know its just fun to mess with you" she mumbled in my ear "oh what you mean by that" i said smirking "bill stoppp" she said looking me in the eye laughing "i can mess with you better" i said winking. she covered her face beacuse she was blushing to hard. i just laughed.

i got up and was holding her beacuse she was on my lap .

*ur pov*

you and bill went down stairs. they other guys were there. "ima make dinner" you said .bill put you down and you went iver to the kitchen.

you decided to make pasta. the guys came over to watch a new movie that came out tonight and the guys really wanted to watch it

you finsihed cooking and walked over to hand them the food "thank you meine liebe,wait are you not eating" bill asked "oh uh.. i uh .. i just dont feel like eating right now" you said lying "oh ok just please eat soon ok?" he asked "mhm".

the real reason was beacuse you had that feeling that if you were to eat you would throw up beacuse you havent ate all day.

you sat next to bill and cuddled up to him as he watched the movie. you were just playing on ur phone.

a little while later you got up and put the boys plates in the sinis fir them.

after that you were really tired so you decided to go to sleep

"hey guys ima go to sleep ok?" you said walked over "ok goodnight" you heard in a sync of tom,gustav,and georg

"ok goodnight meine liebe" bill said leaning his back over the couch to kiss you.

you started to walk up the stairs but bill remembers you have a hard time sleeping without him. "hey wait y/n just come sleep over here and when i go to sleep ill take you upstairs with me" bill said.

you smiled knowing why he told you too. you ran over and jumped next to him. you placed you head onto his chest and intertwined yalls legs.

you immediately passed out in his arms. you favortie thing ever.

the guys obviously took pictures beacuse they are dicks and have to capture every moment.

bill just laughed and countine watching the movie.


the guys had already fallen asleep and bill was rhe last one awake.

he slowly picked you up and carried you to the room. he placed you softly on the bed and layed down next you.

he pulled you over to him and you cuddled yourself into him. he kissed your forehead and it kinda woke u up.

you looked up so he could kiss you on the lips "oh my bad baby i didnt mean to wake you" bill said in a raspy voice

"mm kiss me.." you said quietly. he then kissed you. "i love you love."you said queitly and you fell back asleep. he smiled at ur sleeping beacuse you look so adorable. " i love you to baby" he said and fell asleep holding you.

UHH IM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS BRO HELP ME OMG. actual halloween chapter out tmrw or da next day on halloween also sorry for the short chapterrr
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