01 | oh god

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The vacant apartment was illuminated with cozy lighting as a certain male entered. His eyes hooded, dark circles prominent. Hair styled, resembling a light silver-ish shade, a black shirt tucked into black formal pants and a black backpack hanging loose by his shoulders.

Shen Ricky, only child of one of the most influential businessmen of China. He studied in a top tier college located here in South Korea. Reason? His parents decided that it would be the best for them to have great influence in this country as well ; They were only building Ricky to be able to manage everything on his own after graduating from university.

That led him to take extra korean lessons from this tutor to make him more 'skilled' as they stated.

Ricky despised the idea of having another round of study session right after finishing classes. He protested a lot only to be thrown insults at by his own father.

"You were always worthless. At least be grateful that we're still feeding you and do something which can benefit us."

These words rang in his ears whenever he felt like giving up. Worthless, huh? He wouldn't blame them though. What was he if not worthless? He lived off his parent's wealth his entire life, hung out with the spoiled kids of some other businessmen, partied around in high school, got wasted every week and called it 'life'.

"This sucks." Ricky mumbled to himself, finally stopping those thoughts swarming inside his head.

His stomach made a grumbling noise. The said male glanced at the wall-clock briefly.


Ricky sighed again before fishing out his phone from his pocket and typed.

Food places around me.

And within a few seconds, there were food pictures and black letters displayed on the device's bright screen. He scrolled down for a bit only to be interested in a funny shop name

Mission ; Impizzable

A chuckle managed to escape Ricky's lips as he tapped on it. The menu seemed decent until something caught his eyes. They were almost glowing as he beamed in excitement. Baked potato pizza, his all time comfort food. Thus, without thinking twice, Ricky called their hotline.

"Thank you for calling Mission ; Impizzable ! How may I help you?" A soft and breathy voice spoke, enthusiastically.

"Hi are you guys open for delivery now?"

"Of course, sir ! What would you like to order? We have many varieties of pizza. I can read out the menu to you if you want." Ricky was surely baffled at the customer service because who the hell stays this enthusiastic when it's almost 11 pm ?

"It's fine uhh I'll take a 9 inch baked potato pizza." He spoke.

"Okay, sir. You'll get your order in maximum 45 minutes. Do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you." He then confirmed his address to the bright boy on the other side of the call.

"Thank you for ordering, sir ! Have a great night ahead, you'll receive your pizza soon."

Ricky didn't want to prolong the conversation any further. So he simply cut the call and sighed. Interacting was difficult for him, even if it was something as simple as ordering food.

In the meantime, he decided to just take a warm shower. He didn't like how sticky his skin felt after a whole day at college plus tuition. All he wanted to do was just freshen up, eat and sleep. Homework could go fuck itself, he didn't care for fuck's sake. It wasn't like he was in high school anymore.

Approximately only thirty minutes later, the bell rang.

Ricky made his way to the door, skipping happily. He met eyes with a tall boy probably around his age. Brown haired, eyes glimmering as if it wasn't past 11 pm.

"Hello! Order for Ricky, right?" A nod came from the mentioned male in response. "Thank you for ordering again." He brightly spoke. Ricky low-key wanted to throw a side eye at the other's enthusiasm. Nonetheless, he took the pizza box from the delivery boy and paid. To his dismay, the boy was just standing there, not moving nor showing any sign of leaving.

"Nice apartment you have." The blonde looked at the latter weirdly. In his knowledge, it wasn't normal for some delivery guy to compliment one's abode, right?

"Uhh thanks?"

The brunette quickly came into realization that what he said came off weird, plus Ricky's expression added to that.

"No no no oh my don't get me wrong. I just happened to admire your apartment. It's nothing, alright? I'm not a creep." He clarified himself, his big hands moving around in the air. Ricky could only nod because he actually was weirded out, so there was no point in saying 'it's alright, I don't mind.'

Okay, the delivery boy should've just left after that.

But he didn't, instead requested, "I'm actually kind of thirsty. Can you please give me some water if that's not much of a problem?" Ricky's face was painted with absolute ridicule. He wanted to call the police at that moment saying that a creep was at his door.

"What?" He uttered, in disbelief completely. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't unwilling to give some water to a thirsty person in fact. But the behaviour of the delivery boy irked him. He never trusted his close people, let alone a boy he met merely two minutes ago on the purpose of having his food delivered.

"I'm sorry. I think I made you uncomfortable. I'll just go-"

"Actually stay here. I'll get you something to drink."

But again, Ricky didn't have the heart to turn someone down when all he wanted was some water. He was always entitled as the 'spoiled child' of some wealthy businessmen. But deep inside, he had a kind soul in disguise of a mannerless, arrogant kid.

He soon returned with a soda can and handed it to the brown haired male.

"Thank you so much! I'll get going now. See you again someday, bye!" And he happily took his leave, that damn smile still on his lips with a can of soda in his hands.

Ricky would never understand how someone was so cheerful and weird at the same time. He closed the door and happily opened the pizza box. He could finally calm his stomach with some food, considering the noises that managed to come out. His expression, though, immediately turned into a frown, his eyebrows furrowed.

That never looked like a baked potato pizza.

He quickly closed the box and read the memo attached on top of that.

Bacon and jalapeño pizza.

Ricky groaned, the urge to report the delivery error to the shop owner was too much at that moment. He literally couldn't eat spicy food heck.

Nevertheless, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves and picked up a slice. He very carefully took a small bite, chewing on that slowly. His tongue immediately burned at that spice and his eyes started watering, his ears turning hotter at each chew.

He dropped the pizza box at the kitchen counter and opened the strawberry milk he prepared before to enjoy with the baked potato goodness. His eyes were automatically closed as the cold, sweet taste touched his tongue. Ricky ended up humming softly, enjoying the soothing drink.

Defeated by the spice, he tossed the whole 9 inch pizza and the empty milk bottle into the trash can, mentally cursing that delivery boy.

He didn't but have the energy to order from a different place anymore. And that's how poor Ricky had to sleep with an empty stomach that night.

1.2k words.

so how do we feel about the first chapter? i hope the story can be unfolded smoothly > <

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