11 | hold it in

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Ricky got up from his bed in an instant. His deep sleep was interrupted by a call from the contact saved as 'Ryu', nothing more nothing less. Normally, he would get annoyed but this time he was infuriated and worried.

He didn't pay any heed to his appearance and threw on the first jacket he saw lying around. He grabbed his phone, wallet, bike keys and dashed out.

He took a deep breath after setting himself on the bike. He had a license, a very recent one. And he barely rode after that, like probably just once and that's it. He was determined to check up on Gyuvin, his crush? He would think about that later. His dad should not know about that. That meant not involving his driver in that case, which could only mean getting there by his bike.

His mind was itching constantly, he didn't know in what state Gyuvin was. What if he was crying? What if he was hurt? His blood boiled when he saw the videos spread all over their college groupchat. Did Gyuvin know about that yet? Oh Ricky had to hurry and see for himself.

He rode in a comparatively slow pace for safety reasons. Luckily, he reached faster than he expected. He parked his bike right outside of the pizza shop and almost ran inside. His first instinct was scanning through the entire shop to get the sight of Gyuvin. He failed in that but spotted the same man from a few days before.

He was standing behind the counter, chatting and giggling with another man. They looked so happy to be interrupted from their conversation but Ricky had no other choice.

He approached them and politely asked for Gyuvin, to the same man whom he met before.

"He's in the back. I'll call him for you." Ricky nodded and decided to just wait diligently. While he was on that, the other guy, quite short but very bubbly, spoke with a friendly smile, "Non-Korean, right?"

Ricky blinked once and nodded almost immediately. "Chinese."

"I'm from Canada. Like Canadian-Korean actually." Ricky let out an 'ah' with amusement on his face. He wasn't sure how to converse further, so the shorter spoke again, "I'm Matthew, and you are?" Ricky smiled and let the other know his name.

He turned around and there was Gyuvin walking towards him with a smile, almost too beautiful that Ricky thought if he even deserved to witness that.

"How come you're here?" Gyuvin asked happily, yet he didn't sound genuinely cheerful.

"Just wanted to see you." Ricky shyly answered. Gyuvin wiggled his eyebrows a little in order to tease the latter and laughed it off.

"Anyway, this is Jiwoong hyung, owner of this shop." Gyuvin said and gestured to the man who went in to fetch him. Ricky nodded in realization and bowed. "And this is Matthew hyung, his boyfriend." Now that made a lot of sense to Ricky. Obviously they were a couple to be this affectionate with each other in the shop.

"We talked to each other already." The guy named Matthew spoke in a sing-song voice and Gyuvin played along. "Your boyfriend seems nice." Matthew commented, making both Gyuvin and Ricky to enlarge their eyes.

Gyuvin immediately denied, panicking a bit. Matthew, upon understanding that they were not actually boyfriends, was embarrassed as well. He also broke down in a series of 'sorry'.

Gyuvin eyed Ricky who was standing there with a stunned face. "What? I didn't say anything!" Ricky defended himself, hands going up in the air by habit.

Jiwoong laughed and his boyfriend scratched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, I kinda assumed."

"Yeah, we're just friends." Gyuvin clarified and in all honesty, it hurt Ricky a little when it shouldn't.

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