10 | ignominious

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"Welcome to mission ; impizzable!" Gyuvin yelled from inside as he heard the gate of the shop being opened, indicating that some customers entered the shop.

He took a glance at them before they could settle down and his heartbeat fastened.

The same group of girls who humiliated him before, with a bunch of guys in addition this time. They probably were here just for the pizza, right?

Gyuvin looked around, trying to see if there was anyone else available to serve them at that moment. He spotted Seungeon, his co-worker, setting off to do his round of pizza delivery. Gyuvin made a sprint almost to the entrance where the mentioned boy was getting on his bicycle.

But before he could reach there and swap places with his friend, they called him ; his so called classmates.

"Hey, waiter! Come and take our orders."

Gyuvin almost shivered hearing the girl's voice calling him specifically. It was bad. But he had no other way to avoid them. His jaw tightened as he approached them and took out his little notepad to write their orders.

It was going okay. They were laughing and deciding after calling him but it didn't bother gyuvin that much. They finished deciding and ordered one by one.

"Which one is better?" A girl asked Gyuvin, an annoying expression resting casually on her face. The same girl he guessed to have a crush on Ricky. Gyuvin took a closer look at the menu, where she was pointing at two different pizzas, the most expensive ones. "If you're not a fan of seafood then I think you'll prefer the truffle beef pizza." He carefully formed his words, not to offend those people in any way.

"What does the seafood pizza have?" A guy from beside her asked.

"Uh canadian lobster meat, prawn, smoked salmon and mussels." Gyuvin calmly listed down the toppings.

"Which one do you like better?" She looked at Gyuvin with a pitiful look and closed the menu.

"The truffle beef one."

"Ooh seems like you guys do get the leftovers." She snickered along with her friends, exchanging nasty looks. Their laughters echoed through the entire shop, causing some other customers' attention to divert towards their table.

"It's not like that." Gyuvin softly mumbled, gaze on the floor.

She completely, entirely disregarded Gyuvin's statement. "I'll take both of them." She put on a derisive smile. "Since I can afford it, you know." She commented, her gaze right on Gyuvin, belittling him intentionally.

"Is that all?" Gyuvin asked to check if he missed anything and stepped away when he received a hum as a response.

He went into the kitchen and confirmed those orders to be made and served to the customers. He served the others in the shop and the other remaining times, he chewed on the insides of his cheeks. His heartbeat raced when he glanced at them.

They called him again and casually said that they needed more tissues. Gyuvin spotted the empty tissue holder and took it carefully. He went way for a minute, filled it with tissues and approached their table again.

But the moment he was about take a step forward to the table and place the tissue holder securely, he tripped. Or more like someone's foot made him trip and lose balance.

His chin crashed on the table making a thud noise. His eyes watered immediately. He didn't fall entirely due to the table blocking him midway. But the damage was done. Gyuvin felt a mild metal taste in his throat and a sharp stinging pain in his jaw. He could barely comprehend what had happened as he quickly attempted to stand up. His head felt dizzy and he could barely stand still. His vision was black for a good few seconds before he regained his sight.

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