14 | oblivious

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Ricky was going insane. Last night's incident circulated around his mind the entire time. He could barely register any lecture. No texts, calls or anything from Gyuvin. Even when Ricky sent him a good morning text, the latter didn't even see that. Gyuvin, who always waited to get lunch with Ricky, was nowhere to be seen in the cafeteria.

When Ricky asked Gunwook, not being able to take it anymore, he was answered with a shrug. The buff male hadn't heard from his best friend that day yet, as he stated.

Defeated, Ricky slumped against the chair as the last class went on. He was dazed, picking on the skin of his palm. The only part he was glad about was the teacher, who really didn't care if anyone was distracted or not.

A puff of air made its way out of the blonde boy's mouth. His eyes were droopy as a result of not getting enough sleep. His body swayed as he walked out of the class until the fallen eyes were suddenly wide and full of shock.

Gyuvin was standing outside in a hoodie. His big bambi eyes scanned through the people and when he seemingly spotted Ricky, a smile spread around his face. Ricky wanted to scream, run away, pretend like he didn't know Gyuvin. But he did neither and stood there, confused.

His eyelids fluttered when Gyuvin approached him with a lively 'hi'. As if he weren't the one ignoring Ricky all these time.

Despite the grudge he held against Gyuvin, Ricky returned the gesture with a nod, a tired one to be specific.

"I finished my shift early today." Ricky raised his eyebrows at Gyuvin. The latter let out an embarrassed chuckle and explained further, "Woke up late, missed my only interesting class of today. So I finished my work instead of attending the boring classes."

"I see."

"Do you have tuition today? If not, we can maybe hang out?" Gyuvin asked and proposed at the same time. He acted like everything was fine between them. Or maybe it was. Maybe Ricky was just overthinking it when it was just that Gyuvin was having a bad day earlier. If the younger didn't see him as anything more than a platonic friend, then him saying it loud didn't really make it an arguement.

Yeah, Ricky was surely and definitely overthinking.

So, he ditched his tuition, put on a forceful smile and nodded to the proposal. Who knows? What if they could not spend time together the next day? A chance shouldn't be wasted. After all, he did and would always prioritize Gyuvin over everything.

Ricky thought that they would stroll around or go somewhere to eat probably, but no. They ended up going to a dog café that had been open recently. And well, Gyuvin had immense love for dogs.

The blonde just stared at Gyuvin who was really busy communicating with all sorts of dogs that naturally came to him. Maybe even those innocent animals sensed Gyuvin's friendly aura. And although Ricky was a cat person, his gaze was fixated on the boy whom he wholeheartedly loved, being silly with one of the puppies he claimed being similar to Eumpappa.

Speaking of Eumpappa, the Korean male facetimed his mom and talked with his beloved Pappa for sometime. Being as mischievous he was, he invited the other italian greyhound on his lap. The puppy waddled its tail and looked at the treat in Gyuvin's hand. The said boy happily fed the dog, still being in the facetime with Eumpappa. She barked twice through the screen and after a while, walked away ; probably feeling betrayed and hurt because of Gyuvin's antics.

"You're so evil for that." Ricky said. He himself was caressing a pomeranian that came to him for a treat.

"Oh, she will forget about it soon. Plus, I'm gonna bring her to me for a week."

Ricky's eyes lit up. He was never that interested in that dog or whatever. But seeing Gyuvin basically having heart eyes while talking about her made Ricky fond of that idea too. "Great. I'll come to see her then." Ricky spoke and Gyuvin grinned.

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