17 | differences

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Gunwook squinted his eyes when his dear best friend was scurrying the very second their class ended. He was shoving things inside his bag so fast that concerned was edged all over Gunwook's face.

"Dude, what's all that hurry?" He asked, casually tapping the brunette's shoulder to make him calm down.

"Ricky invited me to his house today!" Gyuvin's eyes were glinting basically as he excitedly spoke.

Gunwook however raised one of his eyebrows. "Don't you go and chill in his house quite often?" He asked in suspicion. The elder nodded simply. "But he never invited me like today. I feel like something good's gonna happen, Wooks." He squealed almost.

"Like y'all are gonna kiss or something?"

Damn Gyuvin blushed so hard. He giggled like a mushy teenage girl and shook his enormous hands in the air.

"Just wish me luck." He grinned and Gunwook nodded in dismissal of the topic.

Gyuvin took a moderate walk and reached his beloved's (Ricky doesn't have to know that) apartment. He was welcomed with a warm hug by the latter.

"I missed you so much." Ricky said with a evident pout formed on his face.

The brunette tilted his head a bit and let out a very airy laugh. "Why is that? We met just yesterday though." He cheekily raised an eyebrow to the latter and got hit in the chest soon enough.

"You're literally my only friend. Who else am I supposed to miss when you're not around?" Ricky crossed his arms over his chest, not caring about the complaints Gyuvin made after getting softly hit.

"Yeah yeah, right. How can I blame you though? I'm such a cool and fun person. You're blessed to have me in your life, huh? You should be grateful that I care so much about you." Gyuvin blabbered with a look on his face that screamed 'flexing'.

Ricky bluntly nodded at that, agreeing with whatever his friend stated.

The younger's sheepish expression turned into a whiney one. "You're not supposed to agree with my flexing. That makes me seem damn narcissistic about myself!" He said and placed his hands over his chest dramatically.

"You're cute when you're mad, Gyub."

Oh boy, was he flushed. Gyuvin momentarily froze with his mouth opened as an 'o' after hearing Ricky's words. How was he supposed to act sane after he just got called cute by the mother of his three children and Eumpappa?

Ricky shook his head and laughed softly, making his way to the kitchen. He poured the sauce packet to the already cooking samyang ramen.

"You were cooking for us?" Gyuvin's eyes glinted as he excitedly stood my his friend's side. The blond shrugged, "It's just ramyeon. We cooked it together once, remember?" He dumped the empty packet in the trash bin.

Gyuvin nodded, smiling a bit. "Of course I remember. We were eating and then Hao hyung came and—"

"And he assumed we were fucking around." Ricky casually interrupted the younger and received a hit on the shoulder.

"You don't have to say it like that!" Gyuvin spluttered in an embarrassed tone. "It sounds weirdly wrong." His tone became quieter after that, a rosy shade forming on his cheeks.

Ricky didn't budge about it anymore. He casually served the ramen in two bowls and handed one to Gyuvin. Without any further words, he plopped down on the couch and slurped his noodles aggressively.

The brunette thought to himself for a while before settling next to Ricky. "You're chinese, aren't you?"

"Took a genius in you to remember."

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