09 | one-wise

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note : edited some parts in this chapter due to a loophole. nonetheless, happy reading !

"Do you think it looks okay? Ricky asked his cousin, who was mindlessly sitting on a corner, yawning like he was forcefully woken up from sleep.

"It's a fucking movie night, Ricky. Just make it comfy." He replied lazily.

"No like should I add some lights? It will look more aesthetic that way." Hao shook his head in disapproval. "Isn't that gonna be too much?" Ricky denied that question and made a run to his room. He remembered purchasing some fairy lights before and they were gonna help him after so many days.

He fetched those and ran back to the living room. Hao mentally facepalmed and groaned when the younger started draping those on the couch, trying to make them look the most aesthetic-ish they could look.

"You're so whipped." Hao murmured after a few moments, observing how hard Ricky tried to arrange a perfect movie night for Gyuvin. (I got all i need you know nothing else can beat~)

"I just want to repay his kindness, nothing else." The blonde mindlessly replied to his cousin's previous statement while staring at the finished decoration. It was eleven in the morning and he had finished arranging everything for the movie night. Starting from snacks, blankets, other decorations and of course the movies. He researched and selected a plenty, whichever Gyuvin would feel like at night.

But that's not the end. Ricky was determined to make this special for his friend, to show his gratitude towards the latter. Besides having store-brought snacks, he wanted to make something himself.

And that's how Ricky ended up exploring youtube videos and following the instructions to bake some chocolate chip cookies, with Hao's help obviously. They took their sweet time and loaded the dough with lots of chocolate chips because the more chocolate, the better. Ricky popped it in the oven and huffed in relief.

It was past noon when he decided to send a quick text to Gyuvin, in case he had some other errands to run. It was a simple "you're free tonight, right?"

Gyuvin didn't see that and Ricky didn't budge about it. He went on with resting and other preparations throughout the day. Hao accompanied him almost the entire time. Ricky had to admit, Zhanghao is indeed a good brother figure to him. But he would never admit it to the mentioned one.

Afternoon passed making the last minute arrangements. Even though he didn't show it, Ricky was deep down super excited. A few weeks ago he promised to hangout with the latter. They've done it several times in the meantime but those weren't specially planned. This movie night was the one Ricky promised him while watching the iridescent sunset.

He took out his phone to check if Gyuvin had seen his text. The latter didn't. Ricky cocked an eyebrow to himself and called him. Didn't pick up. The blonde tried again but still no answer.

So, Ricky hastily put on a jacket, wore a beanie and mask and yelled to the other room Hao was staying at, "I'm going out." And with that, he went out.

Honestly his mind wasn't calm, a bit. He just hoped Gyuvin was doing his work at his pizza shop or something. (he forgot Gyu has a day-off on holidays)

And bingo! When he followed the location and entered the shop 'Mission : Impizzable", his eyes searched for the tall brunette through every inch of the shop. Ricky couldn't find him. Maybe he was delivering or something? He called Gyuvin again, only for the call to be not received from the other side.

Ricky bit his lips and tapped his foot on the ground for God knows how long. He kept eyeing the whole shop for a good few minutes before a man approached him. Tall but not as much as Gyuvin, good-looking and a polite smile.

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