12 | giddy giddy

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"Not at all." Matthew's smile grew wider at Ricky's words. He happily pulled the chair that Gyuvin was seated on and sat on it himself.

"I actually wanted to apologize about earlier." The Canadian started, making Ricky a little confused. "For what? If you don't mind me asking." He asked, having no idea why Matthew, someone whom he got to know a while ago, would wanna apologize.

Matthew let out an airy laugh and spoke, "For assuming you and Gyuvin as boyfriends."

It clicked Ricky's brain and he laughed timidly. "Hyung." He called out, surprising the other at the sudden addressing. "You don't have to apologize, neither of us were offended. Besides, it was kind of funny when Gyuvin panicked that way."

"I'll take your words for that." Ricky nodded.

"So, you guys are friends, am I right?" Ricky nodded once again, this time a smile accompanying that nod.

"Not for a very long time though. It just kinda happened you know but I don't regret it at all." Matthew noticed the gleam in Ricky's eyes when he asked about their friendship and the blonde started story-telling. The elder loved stories and Ricky seemed to like reminiscing. But, his speech was short. He described everything with as shortly as possible.

"Wait, can I speak English with you?" Ricky asked what he had been meaning to ask from the start of their conversation. Matthew was Canadian, of course he was fluent in English. He nodded in affirmative and Ricky felt way more comfortable than before. He finished the rest talking in English and Matthew chuckled.

"So basically you like Gyuvin." The apparent statement coming from the elder left Ricky confounded. He hastily waved his hands to deny, panic written all over his face. It was probably one of the rare times where Ricky actually shows his nervous demeanor, specifically to someone who's more like a stranger to him. "It's nothing like that." He clarified.

Matthew let out a playful 'eyy' and clicked his tongue. "Ricky listen." The mentioned male did listen, gulping a little at the thought of being exposed to someone familiar with Gyuvin.

"You know there's this special skill I have. I can tell when someone has some sorts of feelings within themselves." Ricky raised both of his eyebrows. "But I truly don't see Gyuvin in that way." His words were all in vain as Matthew went on about his skill. "Before I started dating Jiwoonie hyung." The shorter male started. "I could tell actually, specially the times where he would forcefully pull out a topic to talk with me." He chuckled. "So I kinda got the hint from you too. The way you smile at him says it all."

A sigh escaped from Ricky's lips. His shoulders relaxed a bit than earlier as he looked at the other with pleading eyes. "Please don't tell Gyuvin. He doesn't feel the same and I don't wanna ruin our friendship."

Matthew nodded sincerely. "Your secret's safe with me." Ricky smiled a bit at the affirmation, shoulders completely relaxed this time. "But if you want, I can somehow play cupid." Winked the Canadian.

"As long as he doesn't know-" Before Ricky could finish his sentence, two arms grabbed him in an armlock from behind and a 'Rickyyy' was heard in an English accent.

It was Gyuvin.

Ricky made a face of annoyance but deep inside, his heart danced at the physical touch.

"Jiwoong hyung said I could leave early. How about we go to an ice-cream parlour?" His orbs were definitely enlarged and excitement was dripping in his voice. He even shook Ricky a little at the thought of the cold sweetness.

"I don't mind." The blonde replied, holding a smile within himself. Excited Gyuvin was his favourite of all Gyuvins.

"Bye, Matthew hyung!" Gyuvin cheerfully exclaimed and dragged Ricky out of the shop. Ricky didn't forget to shoot a small smile to Matthew though, hoping that his secret would be kept safe and sound.

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