15 | unreciprocated

634 36 86

Gyuvin's heart almost skipped a beat when the other line received the call. His mouth suddenly felt dry and he could barely register what to say.

"Hello?" He was met with a deep and mature voice from the other side. Solid five seconds later, Gyuvin cleared his throat and recollected himself. He couldn't embarrass himself, he was doing it for Ricky after all.

"Taerae hyung, right?" He cringed at how his voice sounded ; meek and just straight up awkward. The elder confirmed his identity and Gyuvin mentally sighed in relief. Until he was asked about his own identity. Of course he didn't introduce himself first! He took a deep breath and smiled, as if Taerae could see his facial expressions.

"I'm Gyuvin. Ricky's friend, the one at the cafe yesterday." He concluded that a slight laughter with the words would be more natural, so he ended up releasing a breathy chuckle and waited for the elder's response.

"So, what is your business with me?" Taerae seemed to be getting straight to the point which Gyuvin did not expect. He thought he would be interrogated on how he managed to get Taerae's number. But maybe the elder was smart enough to catch that he probably got it from Ricky. But the business Gyuvin had with Ricky's tutor, that sounded a bit difficult for him to answer, not gonna lie.

"Uhh.." His head buffered, his brain working at the speed of the poor internet connection.

"Can you hurry up? I have other stuffs to do."

Gyuvin's eyes widened. How in the Earth was he gonna get to sweet talk and then to the point? He sighed and nodded, more like giving some sort of encouragement to himself.

"Yes, actually I have something important to tell you."

"I'm listening."

Gyuvin took a deep breath. He was gonna do it, he had to do it. His heart thumped against his chest as he constantly licked his own dry lips. He would not mess this up. He nodded again and spoke, "Ricky likes you."

one second ; two seconds ; three seconds.

"And why can't Ricky say that to me?"

Taerae's tone was stern, almost emotionless. Gyuvin blinked to himself as his head went blank. He tapped on his own legs and stuttered back and forth, trying to find the right words to say. "That's because he's nervous."

Taerae chuckled sarcastically from the other end. "He's so nervous that he had to ask you to tell me about his feelings?"

"He didn't ask me to!" Gyuvin quickly replied, waving his enormous hands in the air. "I felt like you need to know this. He's been liking you for a long time now and I can't watch my friend bottling up his emotions like that." His determination amused the elder but he still did not move from his passive words. "I think you're confused. Does Ricky like me or do you have feelings for Ricky?"

Gyuvin's eyes went as wide as he resembled a bambi at that moment. He shook his head vigorously and denied immediately.

"Then why did you call me?"

"Because I care about Ricky! I can't just watch him suppressing his feelings for you, he likes you a lot." His voice was filled with concern but somewhere within, there was some sort of hurt too. Maybe Gyuvin was just an oblivious fool.

"Gyuvin." The mentioned sat straight at Taerae's sudden addressing.

"How about you be sure about your feelings first, hmm? Take time, think and then call me again."

Before Gyuvin could say anything else, the call was cut from the other side. He just there, dumbfounded and obviously stunned. He processed his thoughts for a good few minutes before he called another number with a malfunctioning brain and a thumping heart.

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