05 | lead-off

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Safe café, same table, same reason, same person ; the two young lads were currently waiting for their other group partners to arrive.

Ricky didn't mind being in a cozy café, at least he could chew on some sweet goodness. And he enjoyed listening to Gyuvin speak the most interesting gibberish known to the mankind, it killed his time. So overall, working with Gyuvin and his friends was okay for him.

He would stare out of the glass wall for a few seconds and get interrupted by a certain Kim Gyuvin again and again. He lost count of how many Eumpappa photos he had seen in the past couple of minutes.

He again was interrupted but not by the brunette sitting beside him. His phone screen lit up and the word spelled a simple 'dad.'

A weary sigh came out, Ricky pinched the little gap between his eyes. "Excuse me." He mumbled and moved a few steps away from Gyuvin.

Ricky received the call with a grim look on his face. And although he moved for some privacy, Gyuvin's curious mind just couldn't hold himself back from eavesdropping. His ears perked up at Ricky's voice from afar and he focused on each words of the older one.


Gyuvin, who attentively listened to the 'what' spoken in English, couldn't make out anymore out of the conversation. Because Ricky, a chinese guy, was speaking chinese with his father. Gyuvin could tell though, the phone call definitely made Ricky a little bit agitated. He looked annoyed, genuinely, unlike most of the times where he would cutely glare at the brunette.

"Fine! I said I'll go, Okay?" Gyuvin was dumbfounded when Ricky whisper-shouted again in English and cut the call immediately.

Seeing the blonde coming his way, Gyuvin quickly pretended to be busy with his phone. He only looked up when Ricky just stood by him and cleared his throat to catch the younger's attention.

"Oh, you're back." Gyuvin casually spoke to the latter and smiled as if he wasn't listening to the entire conversation.


"Aren't you going to sit?" The elder shook his head weakly. "I got caught up with something important. I'll finish my part later." He explained. Ricky wasn't sure if it was just his eyes or did he really see Gyuvin's bright smile faltering at his words? Why would he be sad over Ricky not being able to work with him though? They weren't even friends.

Despite his mood dropping a little, Gyuvin regained the kind smile he always wore and nodded a little, "Sure then."

"See you tomorrow?"

"Yep, see you tomorrow, Ricky."

With that, Ricky collected his bag which was placed across Gyuvin. He shot another small smile to the latter before walking away with his half-finished strawberry smoothie.

Gyuvin let out a sigh he was holding for sometime and looked down to his finished cream filled bun. Debating for a while in his mind, he exited the addictive app called 'tiktok' and texted his best friend, none other than Park Gunwook.

Ricky was staggered. Ain't no way it was Gyuvin at like 9 pm, standing right before his door with a large pizza box from the shop he worked at, looking at him with a cheeky grin.

"Hi!" He excitedly spoke, all of his teeth visible to the latter.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Gyuvin?" Ricky looked at the said boy with enlarged eyes. It was all kind of deja vu that made him stunned.

The brunette was slightly offended for sure but didn't bother about it. "Aren't you gonna invite your presentation partner in?" He asked to which Ricky raised his hands in the air. "We just have slides to make and that can be done individually, Gyuvin." He explained and raised his eyebrow, waiting for the latter to spill his reason of being here.

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