06 | solace in you

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"It's really urgent, can you please just accompany me?" Ricky sat up after being woken up by a phone call from y'all guess who. Kim Gyuvin.

"Can't you just ask your friends?" He asked, rubbing his left eye, a frown on his face. "I would have. But Gunwook is on a date with Ryu and I'm not that close with my other friends." Gyuvin spoke from the other side. The blonde frowned even more to that. "We're not close though." He spoke. He wanted to say they weren't friends but he restrained himself. What if Gyuvin got upset after hearing that?

"Can you stop making excuses and come along?" Gyuvin asked, voice a bit whiny. He was determined that he most definitely would make the blonde boy his company. "Do I really have to? It's holiday today, Gyuvin."

"I'll buy you a strawberry drink! I know an awesome place, you'll love it."

"You don't have to, just go with someone else." He spoke, almost desperately. He needed his sleep and besides there wasn't much he could do being outside anyway.

"Pretty please?"

Ricky pinched the bridge of nose and sighed. Was there even a choice? Gyuvin was determined and he was getting convinced. "Fine." Ricky was stunned hearing the squealing cheers and 'I love you' from Gyuvin's side. Did the brunette actually need him that much? He wondered to himself while getting dressed.

Like those rare times, Ricky decided on a white top and paired it with a black pant. He didn't bother to style his hair much and just let it be.

And of course he forgot to ask where they would be meeting at. He took out his phone and texted Gyuvin.

Gyuvin was standing near the gate of Ricky's apartment building, with his back leaning on a lamppost. Ricky squinted his eyes a little to make sure it was actually Gyuvin and not some random hot dude. In his defense, Gyuvin was dressed in a white t-shirt, tucked in a black jean.

When Ricky got closer, the said boy smiled at him, running towards him excitedly. Ricky was sure that he was indeed Gyuvin but why would Gyuvin look so good? Ricky was used to seeing him in hoodies all the time. His mind was a little jumbled at how he could subtly see the lines along his chest. His waist looked so small and—

"Ricky!" Gyuvin cheered in an English accent.

"So where are we going?"

"You look so good in white! And your hair's not styled too, I like this look." The brunette ignored the previous question and complimented the elder instead. "Though you look great in black and styled hair too! It's just not your usual style and it's pretty."

Ricky was flabbergasted. He liked how Gyuvin didn't say that his usual style was unattractive or something. He complimented both of his styles and he was grinning brightly.

"Thanks, you look nice too."

"Eyy of course I do! I actually took time to get ready today." Gyuvin confessed, a proud expression resting on his face.

"So what is that urgent thing you need me for?" Ricky asked after a while. They were already walking but he wasn't aware of the destination yet "How about I tell you after getting you a drink?" Gyuvin asked. Ricky quickly shook his as a 'no' and spoke, "You don't have to. I didn't agree because of that."

The younger showed a cheeky grin. "You will need it."

Ricky stopped for a moment. "What?" He uttered and stared at the latter with a bemused look on his face. "Uhh it's nothing." Gyuvin replied, nervously. Although the blonde had no idea what was happening, he decided to just trust the latter and walk ahead.

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