08 | a little closer

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Gyuvin was panicking. How on earth was he supposed to find Ricky? The campus was huge and apologising to the latter was mandatory.

Library was probably the last place on Gyuvin's mind when he set off to find his blondie friend. He ignored Gunwook's advice about searching there and kept on wandering around Ricky's department building for half an hour.

"Gunwook, I swear if I can't find him in the library." He spoke to the male beside him.

"Then what?"

Gyuvin tsked and whined right after. "Fine. At least you'll shut up when we don't find him there."

Oh boy ! He was so wrong. His eyes spotted the exact blonde haired guy he was looking for the entire time. Ricky, in his all black fit, was sitting on a corner table and studying from his macbook. He was so focused that for one second Gyuvin felt bad about interrupting him. But he had to anyway.

Gunwook shot a side-eye, accompanied by a knowing look to his best friend. "I'll leave you two here then." Gyuvin nodder and hastily waved his hands to the latter and approached Ricky.

The elder had airpods stuffed in both of his ears. Gyuvin mentally prepared himself after recalling what he was gonna say and took a seat beside Ricky. He observed Ricky looking up from the screen, blinking ever so softly and looking right back at him. He gently removed the airpods and diverted his attention to Gyuvin instead.

"Hey." Gyuvin started.

Ricky nodded in acknowledgment before looking down to his lap. He didn't know how he should apologize. Last night when Gyuvin cut the call right at his face, Ricky was scared and confused. Confused because he didn't know exactly what made made the younger upset and scared that he might lose the trusted friendship they built over such a short period of time. Nonetheless, he decided to speak. He let out the simplest 'I'm sorry' and started picking on his palm.

Gyuvin sighed before taking a hold of Ricky's hand and separating them. He noticed the reddish spot, not so freshly formed on Ricky's palm.

"Do you have anxiety?" The younger asked. His eyes were glued to that palm, holding a river of worry within them. "It's nothing." Ricky answered, letting out the breath he was holding for quite sometime. The brunette didn't push onto it any further. Instead, he dug through his bag and pulled out the macbook he was gifted last night, still looking brand new.

He placed it on the table and eyed Ricky before opening it. He typed in his password and there sat a puppy picture as his wallpaper. More specifically, his pet dog, Eumpappa.

"Gunwook talked to me about it and I decided to accept this gift. I even set it up as mine." He smiled a little to the blonde's direction, who looked somewhat relieved.

"I didn't know you'd take it that way, Gyub. I thought you needed a laptop, so gifting this would make you happy, you know." Ricky spoke in a low voice. "I'm just really sorry for being so inconsiderate." He added afterwards.

"I'm grateful for it, Ricky. And please don't think of yourself as being considerate. Gifting this was your way of showing affection." Ricky hummed at that. Gyuvin continued, "It's that just I don't like people spending their money behind me. This is also why I don't take any money from my parents, I try to cover my living expenses myself."

Ricky smiled finally, eyes full of adoration. He took hold of Gyuvin's right hand with his left one and intertwined their fingers. "I admire you so much for that. I'll do my best to actually do something for you with effort and appreciation hmm?"

Gyuvin nodded happily. His eyes traveled to their hands, perfectly fitting with each other. Ricky was also staring at that, face flushed. He honestly looked adorable and Gyuvin felt content. The feeling of pure euphoria made him smile to himself.

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