07 | mixed-up

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When Ricky found out he had one English class in the morning, the first thing that came to his mind was a sunshine face. The pair of huge eyes, the button nose and that mischievous smile ; yes he remembered that he would get to meet Gyuvin again and subconsciously, he was giddy. But the feeling was replaced by anxiousness instead ; they had the presentation that day and it honestly got him a little shaken up as he walked to the class.

The gut feeling was strong, he could feel it with his sixth sense. And certainly, the mentioned sense did not deceive him this time either.

Ricky's whole body almost collapsed as another tall male practically jumped onto him from behind. Luckily, he caught Ricky from falling on his beautiful face but the result was Kim Gyuvin capturing Ricky in a headlock. He had that stupid grin on his face as he greeted the blonde by a headlock, first thing in the morning. In his defense, it was all fine since they became friends a few days ago.

They got a lot closer when practicing for the actual presentation. Gyuvin was grateful when the elder helped him with his pronunciation. He could talk somehow fluently and full credit went to Ricky. Gyuvin would not deny, he liked having Ricky as a friend. He was fun, considerate, sassy and such a cutie in the brunette's eyes.

"Let go, idiot." Ricky managed to let out after struggling for a few seconds.

"That's now how you greet your friend, Ricky." Gyuvin replied, a sulky manner clearly evident in his tone "Also, why that long face? It's our presentation day."  He added, still holding onto the latter.

"I just feel pressured I guess." Ricky shrugged after Gyuvin finally released him from that headlock.

"You'll do great, I know that." The younger assured, accompanied by a kind smile of his. Ricky nodded because that's the least he could do to keep the atmosphere light within them at that moment. He didn't want Gyuvin's mood to die down as well.

"Let me make you smile." Ricky's heartbeat rose and his pupils dilated. Kim Fucking Gyuvin held his lips' corners with those long fingers and lifted them slightly. "There." He flashed another one of his amiable smiles and it was end game for Ricky. His mind malfunctioned for a bit but luckily they were already in class.

Habitually, Gyuvin occupied the seat next to Ricky. He stated it was only because he didn't wanna third-wheel between Gunwook and Ryu. ( but of course we know better that he's whipped for ricky :3 )

The next few moments were hazy in Ricky's point of view. The classroom got filled with students, some panicking and some silently revising through their slides.

He eyed Gyuvin sneakily. He was going through the slides in his phone. He had to squint his eyes a bit to see the words clearly in such a small screen. Ricky quietly observed him, forgetting the huge pressure he felt about the presentation.

Gyuvin turned his head and discovered Ricky looking back at him. He elbowed Ricky in a playful manner, "You like my handsome face, Ricky-ssi?"

The latter scoffed. "For that you have to have a handsome face in the first place, weirdo." Even though he attempted teasing the brunette, he couldn't resist the urge to smile. And so he did. It was genuine, friendly and most importantly happy. But happiness and peace never lasted long in Ricky's life because that moment some girl had to ruin his mood.

"I see, can't even afford a laptop." She sneered and exchanged looks with her friends.

Gyuvin's playful expression turned into a insecured face. His shoulders stiffened and his entire body shrank.

"Why bother coming to this prestigious college if you can't even keep up with the finances?" She continued. Another friend of hers continued with the same nasty look on her face, "Heard he can't even buy new books. All are second-hand."

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