16 | likewise

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Being moody and whiney in the morning wasn't quite unusual for Gyuvin. But what bothered Ricky was the fact that the younger male was acting all stressed even after their classes ended. Shouldn't he be happy instead to be finally saved from those excruciating lectures?

Ricky sighed to himself when Gyuvin was acting sulky on his way to work. "What's wrong?" The blonde asked, his arms crossed over his chest.


"Gyuvin, I know you. Something's definitely bothering your already messed up mind." Ricky took one of his hands to poke the latter's chest. Gyuvin seemed to be frozen at the sudden poke and it was even more unusual of him considering that he was actually very fond of physical touch.

"You can tell me, Gyub." Ricky assured.

"I know...It's just, I'm ready to tell you yet." Gyuvin confessed. He looked down and fidgeted with his long fingers.


"Ah Ricky!" Gyuvin's exaggerated whining made Ricky surrendered. He would probably burst in laughter if the younger weren't so grumpy. "Alright, alright." He put his hands up in the air in defeat.

"Don't tell me. But maybe try talking to Gunwook? He's your best friend after all." Ricky suggested.

"Already did." Gyuvin huffed like a child. His reply sparked another kind of thought in Ricky's great mind. He stared blankly at Gyuvin, seemingly planning something in the back of his head. He was interrupted when the brunette shook him by his shoulders in a whiney manner.

"You are not gonna ask Wooks about it. Even if you do, he won't tell." Gyuvin said and confidently crossed his arms over his chest. The other laughed in disbelief because that's exactly what he was planning on doing. He shook his hands in the air and spoke, "Fine, I won't. But you have to smile for me."

"Ricky, how can I smile when I don't feel like smili—"

Before he could finish his sentence, two fingers lifted the sides of his lips upwards. A very smiley Ricky was giggling while forcing a smile on Gyuvin's face and the younger was captivated. His heart swelled with immense amount of love. Ricky's gums were showing, his eyes were glinting, his fingers on Gyuvin's face, he let out squeaky sounds— Gyuvin wanted to cry. All the love he had for the Chinese guy right in front of him overwhelmed him so much.


The elder's laughter subsided when Gyuvin addressed him adruptly during his attempt to make him laugh.

"Hmm, what is it?" Ricky asked, his hands dropping to his sides and his facial expressions being back to normal. The younger just stared at him for a few seconds before a magnificent smile bloomed in his face. "Thank you for cheering me up."

Ricky also smiled at that, although a little shyly. He swang his arm around Gyuvin's shoulder, walking with him just like that.

"Oh I forgot to tell you." The blonde started after a while, breaking the not-awkward-at-all silence between them. Gyuvin's eyes shone  just a bit in curiosity. He hummed and waited for the latter to continue, his mind wandering about what it could be about.

"Taerae hyung texted me yesterday."

This time, Gyuvin's bambi eyes went wide. He looked at Ricky and chuckled nervously. "I see uh.."

"Like it's obviously not weird if hyung texts me randomly but he did say something weird." Getting no reply from the younger, Ricky shrugged and continued with the story.

"He asked me if I like anyone or not." 

Gyuvin let out an artificial 'ah'. Ricky let that pass since the younger was acting weird from the very start of the day. "What did you say?" Gyuvin asked, trying to maintain a normal tone.

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