04 | acquaintances

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Gyuvin was beyond exhausted. He couldn't get proper sleep last night because apparently, his ceiling fan wasn't working. And who could even sleep well in summer without at least a fan?

So, all sorts of complaints left his mouth and reached to his best friend's ear.

"I really don't wanna attend this class, Wooks." The mentioned male, Park Gunwook, closed his eyes to recollect himself for the nth time. Gyuvin had always been like that. If he was tired, he would whine continuously about it, didn't matter if the other person was paying attention or not. Which for Gunwook's case was the first option, he always listened.

"First, can you drop the nickname? It's so lame." The younger spoke.

"Dude, you're gonna sit with your girlfriend and abandon me today as well. I cannot just drop my favourite nickname for you." The taller one reasoned. Almost as if it was tit for tat. Yeah, Gunwook accepted his fate anyway though.

"You can just sit with us. It's not a big deal." He offered, stepping his right foot into the classroom.

Gyuvin mimicked whatever his best friend said, it was all bullshit for him. Why would he even dig his own grave and sit with his best friend and his girlfriend for a whole one hour. "I, Kim Gyuvin, do not tolerate being the thirdwhee- Ricky?!"

In a span of just a few seconds, Gunwook sensed two enormous hands pushing him by his shoulders, then his best friend who almost screamed a 'ricky', sprinting all the way to the back the class and startling the hell out of a blonde male. And Gunwook understood right at that moment, it was the rich guy Ricky he heard about constantly from none other than Gyuvin himself.

On the other hand, Gyuvin broke the peace Ricky created for himself. He was so immersed in his notebook that his heart did a 180 degrees jump when Gyuvin slammed his hands on the desk.

"Gyuvin, what the actual fu-"

"Don't curse!" Ricky found a finger placed right on his lips, yes in contact with his lips to stop the cuss word.

He immediately slapped the finger away, eyebrows furrowed. Gyuvin realized what he did was actually over the line, at least when it came to Ricky. So he offered a sheepish smile to the latter, hoping it would wash away the unpleasant look from his face. It magically worked though, Ricky's facial expression turned to a blank one. Improvement.

"What do you want?" The elder asked, more calmly this time. But his criss crossed arms placed slightly under his chest said otherwise, he was so done with Gyuvin.

"I was just shocked seeing you in this class." Gyuvin answered back, hands placed on the desk, a pout on his lips. He resembled an adorable puppy who would possibly be saying that the dog food looked too good to be kept in the box and not his stomach.

"Speaking of which, why are you here?" His pout was then long gone as he had more of a raised eyebrow. Ricky felt like he was being interrogated.

"I changed my optional course."

Gyuvin's expression turned into a baffled one at first and then into a happy one.


"So that means you'll attend this class from now on?" The brunette asked, his voice carrying excitement while wrinkles formed around his eyes.

"Why would I be sitting here then?" The elder spoke in a sing-song voice. He intended it to be playful mockery but Gyuvin straight up ignored that. Instead, he had the biggest smile on his face, nose scrunched. He let out some gibberish in an abnormally squeaky voice.

"Can you just shut up?" The latter asked, eyes going back to his notebook again.

Gyuvin didn't respond to that. Instead, he took hold of Ricky's hand, specifically the right one. Ricky opened his mouth to question the other's action but he got the explanation right away. "We are sitting together." Gyuvin happily exclaimed.

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