02 | ain't no way

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Ricky squinted his eyes as the sunlight entered through the little gap of the curtain beside his king-sized bed. He sat up lazily, not even caring to glance at the clock. He felt groggy, his stomach was empty.

The blonde closed and opened his eyes within one second, to adjust to the light. He could hear faded city noises, perks of living at the 12th floor. He removed the blanket from his body and coldness hit his bare legs. He liked the chills.

And soon Ricky got busy with his morning routine. Brushed his teeth, showered, got dressed up, styled his hair and finally stepped out of his apartment. He took a deep breath and sighed right after. Another packed day ahead of him with various schedules occupying his rest time.

Nonetheless, the said boy started for his college aka the hell hole.

He didn't fail to recall that he for sure was ravenous. Thus, the blonde stopped by his favourite café on the way.

Upon seeing that tall figure with all black clothes and graceful blondish hair, the owner of the café smiled, his whiskers on display.

"So someone finally made some time to visit his hyung?" The barista joked and patted Ricky on the shoulder. "Hyung, you know how packed I am." The latter exclaimed, voice raspy ; those were probably the first words he spoke since morning.

"Alright. I'll forgive you this time." The barista said and started preparing the strawberry milkshake. He knew how much Ricky loved that.

"Hanbin hyung." The blonde called out, catching the older's attention.


"I think I'll take two cream cheese bagels." The guy known as Hanbin immediately grinned. Ricky always skipped breakfast, a strawberry milkshake was surely not enough to fill him up till lunch.

Ricky sat on a table near the counter. He randomly scrolled through his instagram feed. Feeling another presence sitting opposite to him, Ricky put his phone aside.

"So how's life?" Hanbin asked, munching on a chocolate chip cookie.

"Everything's the same. Packed schedule all day."

"You know you can come over to our place anytime. It's good to have some company once in a while." The barista said. "Plus Hao was saying he started forgetting how your voice sounds like." Ricky snickered at that. His cousin never failed to make him laugh with his weird sense of humor.

Ricky ate both of his bagels in five minutes, meaning he was very very hungry.

"Did you skip on dinner last night?" Hanbin asked, almost surprised. Ricky shrugged and replied, "The delivery guy messed up my order yesterday. I hope that explains my unusual appetite." Hanbin could tell how salty the younger was based on his facial expression. "Like it's his damn job yet he messed it up. Can you believe that?" Ricky ranted again saying how he wanted to report that to the shop owner and such.

Hanbin could only smile at that, "Mistakes happen, Ricky-ah. Cut him some slack there." Ricky would never understand how the older was so kind. Actually made sense, he had to bear his boyfriend aka Zhanghao's sassy remarks all the time.

After talking for a bit more, Hanbin insisted on paying for the light breakfast. Finding no other way to change his mind, the younger gave up and started for his well-known institution again.

It took him less than ten minutes to walk there.

You might be wondering why someone as luxurious as the said male was walking to college. He actually preferred that. The gentle morning breeze brushing softly against his cheeks calmed him. It worked like an energy boost for the whole day. He felt a sense of tranquility despite the honk noises. He felt like himself. Not like a son of rich people, not like an arrogant college student, not like a loner ; himself.

Soon Ricky found himself in the premises of his college. He spotted a few familiar faces walking towards his department. He stood still for a moment to take some deep breathes. He wouldn't like to get worked up even if somebody talked ill about him. Ricky swore that he would not care and just avoid such talks.

Suddenly, Ricky heard a loud shriek right beside him which almost blowed off his eardrums. "What the actual fuck??" Ricky exclaimed and turned to the owner of that hellish sound. The boy was looking at him with enlarged eyes and an agape mouth, almost as if he saw a ghost.

"It's really you!" The boy exclaimed, catching Ricky off guard.

"Who the fuck are you?" Ricky asked in annoyance and ridicule, he did not care how rude he seemed at that moment. Attending college in the morning was already too much for him anyway. Also fuck those deep breaths he took merely a few seconds ago. Those were definitely useless at that point.

"You forgot me?" The boy asked back in disbelief, making Ricky internally roll his eyes. His morning was then officially ruined.

The said boy sighed lightly before clearing his throat and fixing his composure. "I delivered pizza to your place last night." And it was Ricky's turn to enlarge his eyes. He knew that boy was creepy and he was literally stalking Ricky - no that's concerning.

"Are you fucking stalking me?" Ricky questioned, tone unusually high and got ready to defend himself with his black bag. The latter moved his bigass hands in the air with wide eyes. "No no no no." And a few more no-s came out of his mouth. "I'm not a stalker dude!" He clarified, "I'm a student of this very college." He finished and lowkey threw a side eye at the blonde male. Only an 'oh' managed to escape Ricky's lips, being embarrassed at himself for jumping into conclusions. But he wouldn't blame himself though ; it was actually very unusual for a pizza delivery boy to study in that prestigious and well, expensive college unless he was a scholarship student which the boy definitely didn't look like.

"It's good to see you again though!" The brunette exclaimed, offering a welcoming smile to the other. In Ricky's eyes, there wasn't any tall boy in front of him ; instead, he saw a huge golden retriver dog smiling so hard that wrinkles formed around his big gleaming eyes. A little spark of fondness occurred within Ricky, which he obviously shrugged off.

"I should get going." He muttered in the most awkward voice possible. He was about to take his steps until a strong grip on his wrist kept him still in his place. Ricky almost cussed again but he controlled himself. He turned to the latter and stared at him with a glare. "We can be friends, right? I'm Gyuvin." The latter stated, completely ignoring the vicious glare of the blonde, that stupid smile plastered on his face.

"No, thank you." Ricky jerked his hand from the said boy's grip and speed walked towards a random building. Who knew if that delivery guy followed him to his real department building, right?

From a few a feet afar he heard the Gyuvin dude or whatever his name was shouting a 'At least tell me your name!" Ricky rolled his eyes in pure annoyance and yelled back, "As if you don't know that already." Yep, morning was definitely ruined for Ricky.

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