03 | eum- what?

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The morning that was officially ruined by some tall ass golden retriever boy was never gonna come back in Ricky's life anymore. He always took the 'time never comes back a second time' saying very seriously and kept that in mind. So he made a mental note to never ever interact with that overly happy Gyuvin guy again and pass his college hours at least in peace.

What he never expected was that same Gyuvin dude standing at his doorframe at something like nine pm with a large pizza box resting on both of his palms.

He literally gave paid no heed to the ridiculed expression on Ricky's face and greeted enthusiastically. "I messed up your order last night, so the right order this time!" His eyes were glinting and his lips were probably stretched to both sides to the maximum level.

"I never ordered again." The cold tone in Ricky's voice should've made Gyuvin shiver and go away with that damn pizza but he looked at the blonde as if he spoke the most irrelevant words known to the mankind. "Your order got swaped but you didn't complain about me to the shop owner. So I'm giving it to you out of gratitude."

"Thanks but no need." The blonde male again replied with a straight face.

"I insist." Gyuvin muttered out, determined that he would convince the icy-gazed guy right before him. "I got food already, I can't eat another pizza tonight." Ricky calmly spoke, internally praying to God for the delivery guy to go away after that.

"Well you can heat it up and eat it tomorrow then."

"I don't eat re-heated food." Gyuvin's mouth formed into an 'o' shape at that. He definitely forgot that he was face-to-face with probably one of the most luxurious person in the whole wide world. Okay, he maybe exaggerated a little but Ricky obviously gave him the rich and cold guy vibes. Gyuvin took another peek into his modernized apartment and yep, he definitely was rich.

Ricky noticed the perplexed look on Gyuvin's face. He wasn't sure how he could convince the blonde after hearing the fact about not eating re-heated food.

"Even if I take this pizza from you now, I will just throw it in the trash can."

Gyuvin almost gasped. He looked at Ricky as if he heard the most offensive thing ever. His eyebrows furrowed, eyes and mouth both wide open. "That's wastage of food!" He exclaimed, facial expression turning into normal again.

Ricky let out a 'yeah' with the most calmest expression ever at that. The puppy-like boy knew exactly what to do at that moment. He formed his lips into a little pout and gave the puppiest puppy eyes to Ricky, he always made this face work in this type of situations. "But I bought is specially for you." He murmured, voice kind of pleading in a sense.

Ricky groaned. No matter how much he resisted on taking that damn pizza box, he could not resist anymore seeing that pair of puppy eyes. "Wait here." Ricky vanished inside his apartment and Gyuvin diligently waited as he was told to.

A few moments later he saw Ricky returning with a transparent container in his hand. He almost snatched the pizza box from Gyuvin's palms and handed him the other container. The latter could only blink confusingly in the whole process. "What's this?" He asked innocently, not really understanding what Ricky did.

"Steak." The blonde answered.

Gyuvin blinked again and looked at Ricky like he had seen a ghost. "Why are you giving it to me then?" He asked, absolutely dumbfounded. "Instead of your pizza. I can't possibly finish a pizza and steak in one night." The slightly elder one explained. Gyuvin furiously blinked for a while before opening his mouth to speak again. But before he could utter any word, the latter cut him off, "Dude if you don't take it then it's food wastage and I don't really care, so it's definitely upto you."

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