13 | platonic, huh?

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"How can he betray his best friend like that?" Gyuvin fake sneezed and dramatically threw himself over the cafeteria table.

"He literally skipped to go on a date." Ricky calmly spoke, sipping on his milk tea afterwards. "But still." Gyuvin talked in a pout but paused right after. Finding nothing else to say, he just let out some whiny incoherent noises.

Ricky chuckled, freed one of his hands from the milk tea cup and used that to pat his friend's back instead. "You have me, be grateful." The younger nodded, wiping off his fake tears. He then let out another cry and placed his head on Ricky's shoulder. "You're the only one I have, Ricky." He mumbled in English resulting the other boy to burst into a fit of giggles.

"Uh hey?"

Both of them looked up, following the voice and their mood died down.

Gyuvin's body immediately stiffened. He hung his head low and subconsciously moved a little closer to the blonde beside him.

Ricky sat there, composed. A grim look decorated his pretty face. Altogether, he just looked intimidating and cold.

"I'm here to apologize."

Gyuvin looked up in an instant. His eyes were painted with shock and perplexity. Was he hearing right? He probably should have gone to an ear doctor or something. Or maybe he was hallucinating. Yeah definitely that one.

"Erm." She cleared her throat and Gyuvin diverted his gaze somewhere else. Ricky lightly tapped his thigh and he looked at this friend. Though when the blonde indicated him to make direct eye-contact with her, Gyuvin was left with no choice but to nod and do as he was told.

"Gyuvin, what I did to you was absolutely wrong. So I'm really really sorry." She spoke in one breath and looked away from his eyes. "I already deleted the video from the groupchat and our phones. It won't happen again." Gyuvin was staring at her with wide bambi eyes. He tried to make out any sign of passive behaviour on her face. But all her expression resembled were fear and nervousness.

"I hope you can forgive me."

When Gyuvin nodded ever so slightly, she wasted no moment to turn back and speed-walk to somewhere far from them.

He was brought back to reality by Ricky, shaking him by his shoulders.

"Was that real?" He asked the blonde, clearly dumbfounded.

Ricky nodded in response. "One hundred percent real." Gyuvin wasn't convinced. Maybe it was real but with some motives that she obviously wouldn't reveal. "I feel like something bad's gonna happen." Gyuvin honestly let out and sighed to himself.

"I assure you, nothing will happen."

"How are you so sure though?" Ricky shrugged only and looked away.

Gyuvin seemed to keep thinking for a few more minutes before letting out a gasp in realization, not a dramatic one thank God !

"You are behind this." The younger didn't even ask to make sure, he straight-up stated in a stern voice. Ricky made a 'hm' noise as in a question, barely opening his then shut lips. Gyuvin huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. Good heavens Ricky was terrible at acting or else Gyuvin would never get to know.

"You made her apologize to me. And don't try denying it, you suck at pretending anyway." Ricky lightly shook his head in disbelief. "I'm not even that bad." He put a good emphasis on 'that', somehow agreeing that there was still room for improvement.

"My point is." For the first time in his life, Ricky had to admit, Gyuvin could be mad or strict when needed. And he was so hot for that. "I don't want to get you involved in these things." The blonde internally cooed whilst keeping a poker face to Gyuvin. "I wanted to be of some help." He clarified.

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