6. Royal Issues

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I could still taste Micah on my lips when I walked into my bathroom. I was horrified by what had just happened, even though it shouldn't have been a surprise to me. I had been on the edge, hungry, tired and agitated, and when he pissed all over the expensive couch... I just snapped, and the evil in me took control.

I stopped to stare at my face from the mirror, and lifted my hand up to touch the drying blood on my skin. My lord, he tasted good. His blood was so sweet, it made me feel more powerful than ever, and I knew I was already hooked.

"There's always a silver lining," I muttered and licked the blood off of my fingers.

If he turned out to be useless as a pet, he would be good as my food. It wasn't that bad. He would soon learn his place, and stop annoying me – I was sure of it. He had seen me at my worst just now, so he knew what I was capable of. He would learn to fear me, if he kept provoking my inner evil.

I looked down at my clothes. I was soaked in his blood. Back in the day I had no memories of the times when my beast was in control, but the older I got, the more I usually remembered. I could remember Micah's helpless cries when I tore his clothes and sank my teeth into him. I remembered his soft thigh when I pierced through his skin, and started to eat.

It really was too bad that I was completely full already. I resisted the urge to return to the lynx and suck him dry, and instead I took off my clothes and stepped under the shower. It was hard to wash away all that blood, but I wasn't in a hurry. The lynx would be sleeping for hours to recover from his blood loss, and I enjoyed the peace and quiet to the fullest.

Once I was done washing myself, I wrapped a clean towel around my waist and exited the bathroom. A quick glance at my monitors told me that the lynx was still fast asleep, and I smiled at the sight.

Now I needed to buy him some new clothes – his shirt was ripped to shreds, revealing his slim chest and stomach, and his jeans were missing a leg. I saw some more tears here and there, but his wounds were completely healed already. It was impressive to see him in such good condition. Not many survived the attack of a vampire in their full rage.

"I couldn't possibly fall in love with someone like you," I spat when I thought about his words. "You were just lucky."

I turned my back to him and went to find new clothes from my closet. While I was putting clean pants on, I savored the quietness. I hadn't had the lynx for long, but I had already started to miss being all alone. I knew I had to get some sleep while Micah was unconscious – he would start with his demands the second he would wake up. And I was pretty sure that he would start off with nagging about his clothes.

I got pissed when I even thought about it. The lynx really needed to learn his place.

Or I would end up killing him in my fury.

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