16. Little Bit of Closeness

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Once I could hear Adrian closing the door of his bedroom, I let out a silent sigh and looked at my ring. It was still way too small to fit even my little fingers, so I had to keep it on a silver chain to keep it with me.

"Why aren't you growing?" I sighed for the millionth time.

It was supposed to grow bigger when the demon whom it belonged to grew up, but mine stopped doing that almost two decades ago. Of course, the growth had something to do with mental growth too, but I surely wasn't that childish anymore.

I laughed at my own thoughts, but it had a sad ring to it. I was the most immature beast there was, so the ring refused to grow. I sighed and put the ring on the small nightstand, before sitting down on the bed. I stared at the pile of ashes which used to be a nice leather couch. So far my biggest achievement was to piss off my kidnapper and stay alive just to repeat that mistake. One of these days Adrian wouldn't be able to hold back his anger, and I would end up dead.

I had to admit that Adrian was really good at controlling his anger. It must have hurt like hell to destroy his hand just to keep himself from killing me. I knew that I wouldn't have had such self-control. It was clear that I couldn't scare him with my powers – he knew what I was capable of, but he still didn't fear me. He had got spooked, but he wasn't afraid of me.

I picked up my ring and stared at the three red gems. I could use it to control my powers better, and even break free. The golden chain around my neck wasn't indestructible. Nothing was indestructible. Even the hardest metal could be melted with the right temperature, and my necklace wasn't made for a royal demon. My father would have probably broken it by now.

Thinking about my father brought some really unwanted memories about my life back at his house. I didn't want to return. It wasn't just the marriage I had a problem with – it was also the boring rules I had to follow if I wanted to stay home with my parents. And there were plenty of rules.

So... I could try to break the golden necklace and keep running. Every night I would need to find a place to stay and food to eat. Staying at Adrian's wasn't that great either, but it was fun to tease him. He even bought whatever I wanted. I could have it much worse.

I laid down on the bed and kept staring at the fine engravings in the silver setting. It really was a fine work of art. Only the old demons in the lands of Lilith could have such a skill to create something so beautiful with magic.

"Lilith..." I whispered my goddess' name.

I wasn't into religion, and I had always thought that Lilith was just a fairytale. But if I had god, it was her. The first demon. Maybe she had existed. Maybe not. But I had to admit, knowing that the filth, Raoul had destroyed our beautiful home gave me shivers – pretty angry shivers.

"I bet you would start to grow if I would save our homeland," I said to the ring.

It probably would, but I wouldn't go that far. I had no interest in participating in the vampire war, and I was definitely not going to help Adrian. I didn't care if that jerk would die or not. Well, I would prefer not having the necklace on when he died, or I would go with him.

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