23. Proper Apology

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He would drop his act soon. I knew he would. I just had to tolerate his stupid games long enough. He would get tired if I played along.

I took a glimpse at Micah, who was sitting on the couch at the other side of the room. Who could have thought that he could be so patient? Two days had passed, and he was still acting like a pet, calling me his master, and annoying the crap out of me.

My last companion hadn't been so damn silent. I remembered the day I got her. I bought her from illegal tamers, who had nearly killed her while trying to tame her. Maya was her name. She was in her hawk-form when I saw her, stuffed in a small cage, and I didn't need to know anything about birds to see that her wings were broken. She just lied there in complete silence. I wasn't going to have a pet, but I had to get her away from the tamers.

She was a good companion, and I missed her, like I missed my family. She took my mark voluntarily in order to protect herself from tamers. She should have left when I gave her the chance, but she wanted to stay with us. If she hadn't been so persistent about staying, she would be alive now.

The way Micah acted now reminded me of Maya, who had refused to trust us at first. She stayed most of the time in her hawk-form, hiding in the rafters of her room. It took months before she started to feel safe enough to talk to us.

Maybe I had finally broken something in Micah - his trust.

My eyes trailed back to Micah, who hadn't moved an inch. It was so unnatural of him to stay still for so long. This Micah was so different from the one who had fought with me and won.

He was... different... from that Micah who had kissed me so fiercely.

I turned my attention to my computer. I was searching for any news about Raoul and his family. The humans had noticed something weird going on, so their news was filled with kidnaps and suspicious deaths. It would be only a matter of time when we would be discovered publicly.

I browsed the headlines for a minute, before I found myself watching Micah again. I wished he would just stop his act. If it was an act... I had tried talking to him, but he kept calling me master. And I ended up getting mad. I just...

The silence had been great, for one night. Now it wasn't funny anymore. I felt lonelier than ever, and all I could think of was him. He had looked gorgeous when we had our little fight. Absolutely breathtaking. He was so strong, maybe even stronger than he had thought. That fire he had in him warmed me up. Whenever he was challenging me, I felt alive. I felt like I had a reason to be alive.

And when we kissed... I could still feel his lips on mine, I remembered every detail vividly, and that memory was haunting me, and it was hard for me to contain my inner beast. Myself. He was the only one who had ever managed to draw that part of me out. I had silenced it too well, but he had no trouble luring him out.

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