8. Seething Hate

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The towel was too hard for my skin. It kept scratching me every time I moved. I kind of wished that I hadn't left my room in the basement, because the bed I had down there was pretty good. The pillow was too soft so my back had started to ache too.

At least I had something to do in my cage. It wasn't fun exactly, but it was quite relaxing and somehow it made me feel content. No one was bothering me, so I could just concentrate on myself, on my own thoughts, and scraping my way out from my pathetic little prison.

The cuffs I had were quite sharp around the edges, and the bottom of the hamster cage was made out from plastic. I had abandoned my torn clothes and wrapped the white towel around my body like a toga. I was sitting on the floor with my legs crossed, using the pillow as my backrest, and I just kept scraping the plastic wall with my cuffs. I had been doing that for almost an hour already, and I was almost done with my escape hatch. Just a few more minutes, and I would be able to break out.

It really was a relaxing thought. I wouldn't be able to run from the vampire, or change my form, but I had plans. The truce was over.

I chuckled like a maniac when the piece of plastic finally fell off. To me it sounded like a huge door had just fallen down, but the vampire hadn't heard it – he was still snoring in his bedroom.

Poor thing must have been really tired.

I crawled out from my cage, and looked around. The whole kitchen was huge, but when I was so small, it looked like a small city. I stood up and tried to decide what to do next, but my stomach made that decision for me. I was starving.

I saw the fridge at the other end of the room, and I hoped that Adrian had something to eat. Vampires didn't need food, but I knew that some of them still missed that part of their humanity, and ate anyway. Besides, I needed food, so if he wanted a pet that was actually alive, he must have food for me.

But how to get to it was the problem. Adrian had left my cage on the ridiculously high kitchen table which resembled a lot like a bar counter, and for a Ken-doll such as I, the floor was pretty far away. My only option was to drop down on one of the barstool-like chairs that surrounded the table, and wish that I wouldn't break my legs. Demons did have stronger bodies than humans, but I wasn't sure if it was the same deal when my bones were the size of a matchstick.

I walked to the nearest chair and hesitated for a moment. I was kind of hoping that they would have cushions to ease up my fall, but of course I wasn't that lucky – my entire life was just an endless line of unfortunate events.

I took a deep breath and jumped anyway. It wasn't that bad – my knees didn't like the impact, but I survived without a scratch. Next, I needed to get down on the floor, and it was a bigger jump than the last one. I straightened up my toga and tried to find another way down. I walked to the edge again and peered down. The chair had square legs, but I figured that it was better to try sliding down on it than just take a mindless leap and get myself killed.

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