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"Stop giggling..." I grunted.

"Sorry," Micah said, and was quiet for a couple of seconds, but then the couch started squeaking, indicating that Micah was still laughing silently.

"This isn't funny," I said, getting more annoyed by the second. I still kept my eyes closed, like I was told to, but I couldn't focus on my exercise.

"Just keep your breathing steady, and –" Wendell spoke softly, but then Micah burst out laughing.

"I can't! I can't! This is too much!" he screeched, and I turned to look at him. He was holding his sides, rolling on the couch like the stupid idiot he was.

"How is this funny to you?" I snapped at him. "This is an important exercise for me!"

"It's yoga! You are doing yoga! Two vicious vampires doing yoga! I can't even!" Micah howled.

"It's nice to know that you're so supportive over my transfer," I spat at him, turning my attention back to Wendell. Who was bloody giggling now as well! "Fuck you both!" I hissed at him.

"I'm sorry, brother," Wendell said, trying to stop laughing. "It's not funny at all, but it's still a little funny."

"You told me to do this!" I started yelling. "You told me that this, this... fucking yoga will help me!"

"It will! I promise!" Wendell hurried to say, but that stupid smirk of his didn't vanish. "But, perhaps we should do this when we don't have any distractions," he added, looking at Micah.

"You want me to leave?" he asked, and his laughter was finally dying away.

"This is important to Adrian," Wendell reasoned, but Micah looked hurt.

"He's staying," I said, before I could even think about it.

Wendell turned his attention to me, but he didn't say a word at first. He just stared at me with a weird look in his eyes. "All right, he can stay. But you'll have to learn to be without one another soon."

"Let's just focus on my eyes for now," I sighed in frustration. It really was frustrating to have a mate, who I couldn't stand to be around every second of the day, but my instincts didn't let me even leave the room without him.

Why did I choose him as my mate anyway? What the fuck was that?

I stole a short glimpse of Micah, who was now sitting quietly on the couch, and I did know exactly why I chose him. Everything in me turned quiet when I looked at him. There was no better way to describe the feeling I got. It was just... peace and quiet inside me. Even if he was driving me crazy.

The expression on his face made me feel bad. He was still trying to recover from the fact that someone had just told him to leave my side. I hated to see him so quiet. I had learned to hate it when he acted like a pet. He was supposed to be overwhelmingly loud and annoying me, and laugh at my face when I got mad and yelled at him, intentionally pushing me deeper into madness.

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