14. Witch's Fault

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The drive back to Adrian's home was filled with silence and grudge. Adrian was giving me pretty angry glares, but he didn't say anything. I wasn't in a mood to talk to him either. I was too busy thinking about my home.

My real home, the castle of Lilith. It was almost five hundred years old, hidden from the humans with magic. I didn't remember much about our city which once surrounded the castle, and I had heard that there wasn't much left after the vampires – Raoul – had conquered it. I thought that they had torn the place to shreds and left, but if Adrian had told me the truth, those filthy mongrels were using the beautiful castle as their home.

But I didn't care. I did not care.

"Do you think that my kind could still live in the castle?" I asked quietly.

Adrian took a deep breath, before he spoke: "I don't know. I heard that the city was burned. I don't know what's left of the castle."

I nodded quietly and thought about my family. We had built a new home in the mountains, but most of us were living among the humans now, hiding in the shadows and keeping our magical powers a secret. It wasn't enough that we had lost our homes, but we had also lost everything that kept us together and the families at peace. Now it was all about who had bigger families, more money and more fame than the others. Us lynxes were almost extinct, so it was just a matter of time until one of the bigger families would kill us and steal the little we had.

"I suppose you took my rings when you kidnapped me," I said when Adrian turned the car on the small dirt-road which led to his house.

"I did," he said shortly.

"Could I get one of them back?" I asked carefully, and he gave me a pissed glare. "It had three red stones, and was on a silver chain around my neck."

"Why would I give you anything after the stunt you pulled at the mall?" he asked angrily.

"I promise not to make you angry again in a while," I said. "It's my birth ring."

"A what?" Adrian asked.

"A birth ring," I repeated. "You know, the royals get a ring on the day we're born. Mine is still too small for me to wear, but I still like to have it with me."

"Oh... That ring," Adrian sighed.

"Could I have it back? Please?" I asked again.

"Fine," Adrian muttered, surprising me how easily he gave up.

"Thank you!" I squealed and hugged him shortly. "I promise not to be so annoying!"

"You are annoying me right now!" he grunted and pushed me back on my seat.

"Sorry," I smirked apologetically. "I'll start now," I added and forced my smile to vanish.

I tried my best to act like him – gloomy, quiet and emotionless – but I was getting excited to get my ring back. By the time Adrian parked the car right in front of his front door, I was having a hard time keeping my mouth shut.

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