17. Feeling Alive

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The stupid cat had caught me at my weakest. I had lost my self-control when he had pressed his slim body against mine, and the scent of his sweet blood had filled my senses. I usually wasn't this hungry, but I couldn't resist him. He tasted so damn good.

I turned to look at Micah, who was sleeping next to me. If Wendell would see us now... He would flip his shit. He would probably be glad to hear that Micah was finally willing to help us, but he wouldn't like the terms the demon had given. Teaching a royal demon how to use his magic was like dancing in the sun.

I kind of refused to think about what the two of us had just done. I had lived in celibacy after my family had died, because I didn't want to ruin their memory. The six of us used to have fun like that too, getting high on blood and sleeping with the person who was the closest. Having sex with a demon was something dirty and despised in the vampire world, but I was too damn tired to care.

I wasn't sure if I could love anyone ever again, so Micah was a good substitute for a real mate. I didn't care about his feelings, or reasons, or him. It was easy to screw around and focus on what I needed and wanted.

Micah snorted loudly in his dreams, and before I could stop myself, I chuckled. He was drooling all over my pillows, and a part of me wanted to push him out of my bed, but the other part, which was stronger at that moment, wanted to just watch him sleep. There was something soothing in that, but I had no idea why. For the past fifty years all I had thought about was Raoul, but lately I...

I'd felt alive again.


I had fallen asleep at some point, and when I woke up, Micah was still sleeping next to me. He had his back turned on me, and I could see his back and a little of his hips. The covers were hiding his lower half, but I could still see him from last night vividly in my mind. I had thought that I could easily push the previous night out of my head, but it turned out that it wasn't that easy.

I hated to admit that I was fascinated by him. He was an annoying brat who had obviously forgotten that he was supposed to be my prisoner and pet. He kept destroying my house and my sanity and it had become quite clear to me that he had shredded my original plan to tame him. He had been right from the start – I couldn't tame him. I didn't have what it took to do that, and he had figured that one out long before I had.

Stupid cat... I would definitely be better off without him. I touched his golden necklace and imagined how peaceful it would be if I just kicked him out of my house. He would be gone as soon as I took the necklace off, I was sure about it. My life would return back to normal faster than I could say 'the biggest mistake of my entire life', and be finally at peace.

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