9. Separate Beings

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"It actually worked!" I squealed in excitement when the vampire vanished with the symbol.

I stared at the empty spot on the floor, where Adrian had stood just a couple of seconds ago, in awe. I was astonished – I had never managed to make a trap spell work before. I guess I wasn't as stupid as I had thought! Or maybe I was just really paying attention to what I was doing. For the first time.

I snapped out of my thoughts and hurried out from the study room. My night vision was perfect, so I found my way easily to Adrian's library. I didn't have much time to spare.

While studying Adrian's home, I had found his books of magic, and one of them had caught my eye:

"Magical binds and pet collars," I muttered when I studied the name of one of the biggest books on the bookshelf.

That was my ticket to freedom. It was just two shelves away from me, so I started to climb to it. It was rather easy to push it over the edge of the shelf, and I followed it hastily – Adrian wasn't far, because my collar hadn't electrocuted me yet. I just hoped that the sun wouldn't set just yet, because it was the only thing keeping him from coming back to me. Or then the sun had already burned him to ashes and he would never come back!

I opened the book and started reading. I was a slow reader and I got frustrated soon, but I forced myself to concentrate. I just had to find a spell that could open the shackles and the collar. I could rip the page off and hide it.

"Poor vampire," I smirked when I thought of it.

But the book was really thick, and I was really small, and changing the pages wasn't easy. At some point my frustration grew worse, and it became harder to breathe. My hands were hurting too from all the climbing.

I listened carefully to the sounds in the house, but Adrian hadn't yet returned. Every page I turned hurt my wrists more, and soon I realized I was practically gasping for air.

"This... can't be... so... hard..." I muttered while trying to get some air into my lungs.

I had to sit down – I was starting to feel really sick all of a sudden. My first thought was that Adrian had somehow poisoned me, but when I looked at my hurting hands, I understood what was wrong.

"No...!" I gasped when I saw how my hands were starting to grow bigger.

The shrinking spell was wearing off! I was growing! With the magical bindings still on me!

At first I couldn't understand why it was happening. A proper spell didn't wear off unless the witch wanted it to. Then I remembered that they had used a backfire spell on my own spell, and my magic was wonky at best!

"I killed myself," I gasped when the realization hit me.

The bindings around my neck and wrists wouldn't grow with me, because the vampires had used a proper spell to shrink them. My only hope was the book right in front of me, but I still had hundreds of pages left to go through!

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