30. Supernatural Cops

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Adrian was sad. It made me sad. I didn't like feeling sad, but the bond between us didn't care about my opinion. I was forced to feel sad when he was sad. Lucky for him, I was way too tired to even consider moving.

Right after we had arrived, we were given a small room somewhere in the inner parts of the fortress. Heidi had taken Wendell to rest, and apparently, their room was close to ours. We were special guests, so we had the honor of staying close to the leaders. I loved being worshiped, so I didn't mind people bowing their heads to me, but Adrian seemed bothered by it.

We stayed in the room the entire day. We had only a small bed, a couch, and a desk in the room, and it looked boring as hell. Gray walls, no windows, no carpets, nothing. Nothing! I would've lost my mind already, if I wasn't so tired. I was so tired I couldn't even change into my human form yet.

We were lying on the couch, well, he was and I was lying on him. He had been nodding off now and then, holding me tightly. It was nice, I had to admit that. It had been a really, really long day, so I didn't mind getting some well-deserved rest. If only Adrian weren't so sad.

I stretched my legs, and carefully planted my paw on his face. He took it in his hand and rubbed my toes gently, but absentmindedly. His expression didn't change, not even a little. I let out a growl, and moved my head back to lick his cheek, but nothing. He was just... out of it. Out of everything. I knew he was sad because he lost his home, but considering the fact we were still alive, wasn't this a bit too much sulking? Even for a vampire?

"I'm not sulking," Adrian mumbled. "I just..."

Great, no privacy in my head anymore. I waited, but he didn't continue. He just hugged me tighter, burying his face in my neck. There were so many emotions going on in him, and in me, that I couldn't even begin sorting them out. I didn't even try, but it was safe to say that what happened that morning had shaken him.

I snuggled my head against his, and took a deep breath, before settling down. I needed to remember he was once human. He carried emotions we demons didn't have, like affection towards inanimate objects. I loved shiny, expensive stuff, but I wouldn't give a damn if I lost them. Hell, we demons struggled to feel affectionate towards other living beings.

Adrian was different, of course. I had no idea why, but he was.

An hour later, someone knocked on the door quietly. I knew it was Heidi, before she asked if she could come in. I jumped off the couch, and stretched while Heidi stepped in, and Adrian sat up.

"I have some good news, and bad news," she spoke softly, lingering by the doorway.

"Yeah? What's the bad news?" Adrian asked.

"I had spies go check up on your house, and... They've taken it," Heidi said apologetically.

"They didn't destroy it?" Adrian asked, standing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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