2. Reason to Smile

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The lynx didn't wake up while I drove home. I live outside of the town, in my family's old house. They had left me a fortune, but money couldn't fill up that empty void I carried inside me. I missed my family; I was nothing without them. All I had left was my revenge.

I had tried to murder that vampire, who was responsible for killing my entire family. I had tried, but failed. He had laughed at my futile attempts to kill him, and he had left me alive, after beating the hell out of me. I had failed my family over and over again.

That vampire, Raoul, was one of my closest friends once. He was from another family, but we all came along just fine. My family was just a small one, there were only six of us, while they had dozens of members. Then something happened. A girl happened. Raoul fell in love with her, but she had fallen in love with me.

Now she was dead, along with my family. Only because Raoul couldn't accept the fact that she had chosen me, instead of him.

And I never even loved her. I had given all my love to my family, and she hadn't been one of them. I had turned her down, just a day before Raoul had killed them all. He had left me alive to mourn what I had lost, knowing that I would never give up, until he was dead. I wished that I could just end it all, but I couldn't before I could take him down with me.

I looked at the unconscious lynx on the backseat of my truck, and I smiled again. Now I had a chance to take down Raoul. It was still me against his entire family, but only a few of his soldiers were witches. Rest of them didn't have any changes against me. Not when I had a rare demon by my side.

I only needed to tame him, and I would have my revenge.

After parking my truck in front of my dark home in the middle of nowhere, I grabbed the lynx from the backseat and heaved him on my shoulder. He weighed hardly anything, and I was a vampire. We were ten times stronger than humans, and a lean-figured demon was easy to carry.

Actually, I was sure that he was a little too thin. Demons could go on without food for days, but compared to the average human boy, he was thin and pale. Well, him being pale might have something to do with the fact that I just fed from him.

It was nothing to be worried about. He would bounce right back within days, and if he was behaving like a good pet should, I would give him all the food he needed to become strong.

I left my car at the front door of my big home. It had two stories and a basement, where I would keep my pet until he was tamed. The house was too big for one person, but it had a good location, and the vast lands around it belonged to me.

I stepped inside to the big entrance hall, and walked across it to the door which led down to the basement. I walked down the stairs and turned on the light. There was a small room at the bottom of the stairs, with two doors. The other one of the rooms was a bedroom. It would be my new pet's room, once he deserved to have one.

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