27. Brilliant Plan

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The ground shook angrily under our feet, when we ran towards the stairs that led to the basement. When we reached them, something exploded right outside the house, sending us flying to the ground. Pieces of glass, wood and stone rained down upon us, but a second later we were up on our feet, scrambling towards the stairs. Adrian didn't follow us, and I turned to see where he was. He was collecting the urns of his family, being too stubborn to leave them behind. I don't think I would have bothered, but family was everything to vampires.

I looked around, and saw a piece of cloth, probably a part of a curtain, lying close by, and I went to get it. There was another explosion when I grabbed the cloth, but this time it was further away. I could hear cars, gunshots, magic, and laughter all around us, as our peaceful home had turned into a battlefield. I hurried back to Adrian and laid the cloth on the floor.

"Here, put them on it," I commanded, and he didn't waste a second. Once all five of them were on it, I grabbed the corners and gave the self-made bag to him. "We need to hurry!"

Wendell was muttering words the entire way down to the basement, and he didn't stop when Adrian showed us the way. To where, I had no idea. Underground seemed better than above the ground, but that would mean we would be trapped, unless there was a way to escape.

It turned out that there was. Adrian ran to the very end of the basement, where he stored his wine, and pushed one of the massive wine racks down on the ground, crashing every single bottle on it. For a second, I could only see a sturdy brick wall, but when Adrian pressed his hand in the middle of it, I could see a hidden rune starting to glow. Two seconds later, there was a tunnel in front of us, when Adrian's concealment spell wore off.

We climbed over the broken rack and the small river of wine, and ran deeper into the tunnel. There were no lights, and when the concealment spell started working again, it prevented any kind of light entering the stuffy corridor. Adrian sent a small ball of light down the tunnel, which was just enough for our eyes to see.

I lost track of how long we ran. It felt like an eternity, and like a blink of an eye at the same time. Wendell stopped muttering his spells, and all we could hear was our footsteps on the stony ground. I wanted to ask what kind of spells Wendell had used, and what for, but I assumed I would probably find out sooner or later. Or never, if we got killed before we could escape.

And just then, Adrian slowed down. I, of course, didn't see that in time, so I ran off a small cliff, when the tunnel ended without a warning. The sudden disappearance of solid ground under my feet gave me a heart attack, but thankfully the drop was only six or seven feet long. I landed pretty gracefully. On top of something that was made of silver metal. And glass, by the sound of it.

"Jesus, Micah..." Adrian grunted, when he dropped down next to a BMW that I apparently just crushed. "Watch where you're going!"

"What?" I asked innocently, and hopped down from the roof of the car. "Why did you park it right under the entrance?"

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