4. Driving Nuts

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"Are you hungry?" the vampire asked.

I was sitting on the bed, pressing the covers against my chest. He had let go of my hair, and I had retreated as far away from him as I could. I could feel the cold wall against my back, stopping me from getting any further away from him.

"Are you hungry?" The vampire repeated his question with a frustrated tone.

I hesitated for a moment, before I nodded. I was too afraid to look at him directly, but I peeked at him from the corners of my eyes when he left the room. He was tall and fit, but not too muscular. He had short blond hair and the darkest brown eyes I had ever seen. He wasn't my taste exactly, but I had to admit that he was pretty handsome. In a deadly way.

When he closed the door, I turned to look around. The bedroom was nice, but there were no windows, and it was really cold. The bathroom had been so filthy that I had thought that the house was just a run-down shack, but the bedroom was almost modern with grey walls and hidden spotlights behind the mirrors and bookshelves. There was even a huge-ass flat TV on the wall. There was a big black couch next to my king-size bed, and I wondered if my chains were long enough so I could sit down on it.

The vampire returned soon, with a bowl of something hot in it. My stomach growled, when the scent of chicken soup filled my senses. I preferred meat, just meat and only meat, but I hadn't eaten anything in... how long?

"My name is Adrian," the vampire said while sitting down on my bed.

I looked at the bowl he was offering to me, before I looked at him. I still wasn't sure if the vampire was just playing mind games with me, tricking me to trust him, before he'd start breaking me. The food could be just a trick.

But I was hungry.

So I took it. He offered me a spoon too, but I ignored it and started wolfing down the warm soup. The vampire sat there on the edge of my bed, watching me eat with a mean looking smile on his face. I wondered for a moment if he had put drugs on the food, but that would have been pointless. He had the means to keep me under his command without even touching me.

He was a witch after all.

When I was done eating, he took the bowl from me and put it on the floor, before he turned to face me again. I looked down when his eyes met mine. I'd heard the witches were able to control minds if their victim looked them in the eyes for too long.

"What's your name?" he asked.

I shook my head a little and peeked at him.

"You don't have a name?" Adrian asked with a disbelieving smile on his face.

He moved closer to me. I tried to crawl away from him, but he took my hand with a powerful grip. I shivered when I felt his cool skin on my own.

"No need to be shy," Adrian spoke with a pleasant voice. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know your name."

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