10. Calm and Composed

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Once I was sure that the beast inside me was dormant, I went to find spare clothes for Micah. I couldn't hear him anywhere, but his scent was strongest in the kitchen, so I assumed that he was waiting for me there.

I was bigger than Micah, so it took me a moment to find him clothes that wouldn't fall off. I did not want that to happen again. My hand had stopped bleeding, but I couldn't use it, and I couldn't afford destroying my other hand as well.

When I entered the kitchen, Micah was eating an apple next to the kitchen aisle. I tossed the clothes to him without giving him a second look, and started to clean up the mess he had made earlier.

"What happened to your hand?" Micah asked with a muffled voice while he was pulling a white jumper over his head.

"You," I grunted while picking up the broken glass.

"Oh. Did I make you so horny that you broke your hand while mast–"

"Nothing like that!" I snapped at him. "You fucking pervert..."

Micah let out a boyish giggle and I rolled my eyes, sighing in frustration. I had the feeling that I made a huge mistake by letting him roam freely in my house.

I finished cleaning the kitchen and took a look at my hand. It wasn't healing as fast as I hoped. Maybe the damage to it had been more severe than I had thought. I walked to the sink and turned the water on so I could wash the blood off.

After putting on the pants I had given him, Micah stepped right next to me and looked at my hand curiously.

"Why did you break it?" he asked. "I heard you hitting the wall and growling in pain."

"It's your fault – you made me angry," I told him with a harsh voice. "Go away."

"You vampires are so weird. Why would you break your hand?" Micah laughed and poked my wrist.

"Get the fuck off!" I hissed at him, but he wasn't listening.

"Why is it not healing? I thought you guys heal fast, just like us," Micah continued.

"For the love of God, go away!" I yelled straight into his ear.

"Fine, no need to yell at me," he said, acting like I had hurt his feelings.

"Dear Lucifer – give me the strength..." I muttered my prayer.

"By the way – isn't it against your religion to speak God's name? I don't think that Lucy likes that." Micah asked, and I grabbed the first thing I had available, and threw it at him.

It was a soaking wet dishcloth, and it let out a delightful 'splat' when it hit his face.

"OH MY GOD you didn't!" Micah shrieked and pushed the cloth away with his index finger, looking so disgusted that I was almost certain that he would throw up.

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