20. Fresh Start

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I wasn't in a hurry to get out of the bath. I hadn't had a bath in ages, so I didn't want to waste my opportunity, and since I wasn't too comfortable with having three vampires around, I took my sweet time. Adrian and Wendell were fine, I already knew those two were pretty harmless, but I had no idea what to think of Heidi. Adrian seemed really nervous around her, and I could sense her power, so I knew that if anyone was able to break and tame me, it was her. She also seemed really nice and understanding, but she could be just acting to gain my trust.

I let out a long sigh. I was getting too nervous to enjoy the bath, so maybe it was for the best just to go talk to Heidi like she wanted. I got out of the bath and started drying myself, trying not to think that I was all alone against three vampires.

"Crap..." I sighed when I remembered that my new, clean clothes were all in my room in the basement.

I didn't mind if Adrian or Wendell saw me with nothing but a towel on, but now we had a real lady in the house. I didn't know much about vampires, but according to how both Adrian and Wendell treated her, she was almost like a queen to them. Wendell was the first vampire leader I had ever met, so I had assumed that they weren't so impressive after all, that they were just the leaders of small, unimportant groups of miserable vampires.

Heidi was not anything like that, no, but this was my home. If I wanted to prance around naked, I was going to do exactly that, no matter who the guest was. I didn't care even if she were the actual queen of all vampires, because I was a proud demon, who bowed to no one. I wasn't afraid of her.

I wrapped the towel around myself, and hugged the dirty clothes against my chest, and stepped out of the bathroom. I marched my way to the stairs and kept my posture all the way down, keeping an eye on my surroundings. The vampires were in the living room, where they couldn't see me. I could hear them talking about Raoul and their little war against him.

I pressed the clothes tighter against my chest and looked at the basement door that was right in front of me in the corner of the entrance hall. They wouldn't be able to see me if I stayed right next to the wall on my left.

No, there was no proud prancing going on, but there was a mighty dash. I stayed right next to the wall when I hurried to the basement door, and closed it firmly once I was in. Then I took a deep breath and straightened my posture, trying to convince myself that I was not afraid of Heidi.

After that I spent an awfully long time choosing what to wear. The clothes Adrian had bought me had looked amazing back at the store, but at that moment they all looked like old rags. I ended up wearing black jeans with black denim jacket, and let my hair fall freely down on my shoulders.

"Could be worse," I sighed while moving a lock of my hair away from my face.

Then I just had to get back upstairs. It was for the best if I just got it over with. I had nothing to worry about. Heidi just wanted to talk, and I was interested to hear what she wanted to say, especially about her teaching me to use my magic.

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