12. Infected Bond

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"Can we go already?"

Adrian closed his eyes and cracked his knuckles without saying a word, like I had said something highly annoying. I mean, it was just a simple question! He had no right to get annoyed by that.

Well, I may have asked that like thirty-four times already. But still.

"The mall opens in thirty minutes," I reminded him.

"And it takes fifteen minutes to get there," Adrian hissed behind his closed teeth.

"What am I supposed to do for fifteen minutes?" I asked. "I'm so bored!"

Adrian was trying to read a book in his huge study, and I found it rude. He had kidnapped me, so the least he could do was to keep me entertained. But no. He didn't even reply to me.

"I'm curious," I said and wrapped my arms on my chest and stepped closer to him. "If you don't know a damn thing about taming a demon, why did you think it would be fun to kidnap me?"

"It wasn't fun. It was necessary," Adrian muttered his reply while changing the page.

"You do know that you're horrible at kidnapping demons, right?" I asked, and I could see him getting angrier with me. "I mean, if you want to tame a demon, you don't try to make them feel comfortable first!"

"Why are you complaining, huh?" Adrian hissed and slammed his book shut. "I told you already! I just want you to help me! I'm not interested in taming you!"

"Said no vampire ever," I laughed at him. "No – I think that you wanted to tame me, but you had no idea what you were doing."

Adrian growled at me, but then he shook his head and sighed. "I couldn't do it."

"I know, because you suck!" I laughed.

"No..." he said and stood up from his chair. "It's one thing to think about it than actually do it."

He walked to me slowly, and when he stopped right in front of me, his eyes looked sad. He lifted his hand carefully, and brushed my long hair away from my throat. His cool fingers caressed my skin, and I shivered lightly. I don't know why, but at that moment I could sense how dangerous he truly was. He could break my neck in a heartbeat, or if he felt like it, he could rip my whole head off.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked breathlessly.

"I thought that I could ruin you, break you and use you in any way I want, but it's easy to dream about it, when you can't smell the fear, or hear the fast heartbeat," Adrian spoke quietly, and then he leaned to whisper in my ear: "I'm not a monster."

"You're wrong," I told him when he stepped away from me. "You are a monster, but you forgot how to be one."

"Lucky for you," he grunted and studied my face carefully. "You seem awfully adapted to the situation. You were scared shitless when I brought you here, and now it seems like you are trying to make me angry. I'm curious, are you suicidal, or just plain stupid?"

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