21. Uncontrollable

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I sighed and turned around on my bed. Heidi and Wendell had left, leaving me alone with Adrian. I had escaped him into my room in the basement. Well, not literally escaped, I just wanted to be left alone. I had asked for more time to think about everything, but I really just wanted to tell them to go to hell. I didn't want to have any part in their war. I was still young, and the war didn't concern me.

I sighed and turned back on my left side. I was fooling myself. The war concerned me just as much as the next person. If the vampires were telling me the truth, it would be only a matter of time before our world would come crashing down. Vampires slaughtering vampires was no big deal, the families had fought with each other for centuries. Demons slaughtering demons was nothing new either.

But if vampires and demons started slaughtering other vampires and demons... Even I knew where that would end. Every sane vampire and demon knew not to draw any attention to our kind. We had claws, super strength, age, wisdom, and magic on our side, but humans had atomic bombs. They had vast armies, powerful weapons, intelligence, and those stupid drones that could kill dozens of us without their users being close by. And they liked each other. They were willing to die for one another, while us demons and vampires weren't that fond of our own.

Whoever this Raoul thought he was, he wasn't that smart. There weren't that many demons or vampires left. It was dangerous to get the humans involved. If they would find out about us... I shivered when I thought about the idea.

The world I knew was at the brink of destruction. I could help Heidi and her armies to defeat Raoul, but... Well, I was a demon. I couldn't give a damn about my kind. That was why humans were running the world, not us. Then again, there was something in it for me. Heidi promised to teach me to use my powers. That would be handy, especially if the humans joined the war.

I had to pretend that I was smart for a moment. If I was smart, what would I do? The smartest thing to do would be letting Heidi teach me, and once I knew how to control my magic, I would run away and hide somewhere where this stupid war wouldn't affect me.

But then again, I didn't like to think that I was a heartless person. Adrian and Wendell were fun, it was nice messing with them, so I didn't want them to die.

"Maybe I'll just see where this goes," I sighed and sat up.

I got out of the bed and walked upstairs. Adrian was in the living room, holding a glass of scotch in his hand. He wasn't drinking it, he just stared into nothingness.

"So, if I help you, how are we going to do this?" I asked.

"Heidi and her family are hiding in the mountains," Adrian spoke without looking at me. "She said she has a plan, but her army isn't big enough."

"And that's why she needs me," I nodded. "Why won't she just ask humans for help?"

Adrian laughed humorlessly. "There are dozens of them trailing Raoul and his men as we speak. You know how they are, they won't ask whose side we're on. Raoul broke the code big time, and now humans are pissed. If we try to contact them, we'll only end up dead."

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