Chap1| I can do it

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Transformation quirks were one of the very first quirks to ever manifest in this world. Centuries before the world we know today multiples from that time have tried to guess its origin. Some say it was a covert curse from the divine, others say a blessing not from Earth. We can only theorize from the current evidence we possess. They speculate to have been, mostly simple animal transformation, hybrid mutation, and a rare useless quirk that caused others to be named...


"Yeah right, Halloween isn't for like another six months, so why are you telling us fairytales?" A snarky kid points out, causing the whole class bursts out laughing. "Oh it's no fairytale children, it's part of our history" Miss Todoroki responds calmly. "Oh really.. then where are they now?" the student asks cheekily, the boy and his friends were giggling, they were too old to be frightened by these stories. "Well, mostly all of them have gone into hiding, due to people's closed-minded reaction to take and obtain quirks from back then. Even today, it's still a bit judged" she clarified.

The bell rings a second later, it was already time for recess. The kids wasted no time running out of the classroom, forgetting the topic they were complaining about a few seconds ago. Lined sheets of paper to take notes flew down to the ground as the wind settled into the now quiet classroom. Miss Fuyumi Todoroki looks out the window and smiles at the bright sun of early July.

Izuku was staring up at the steps that faced the monkey bars. Today was the day he decides to face his fear of the monkey bars. As a matter of fact, he was so prepared, that he sported his brand-new Allmight socks extra high! just for good luck. The young boy took a deep breath, then started walking up those steps with stride. He was now at the edge, can't back out now, it was time.

Before Izuku could even try to jump up the first bar, a spiky blonde appearing close by caught his right. "Hey, guys look, someone is trying to make it through the highest monkey bars again," the blonde lets out. Suddenly, two other kids came running up next to the loud blonde one.

Izuku abruptly went stiff to the newfound attention. The boys came directly to him, which made the green-haired one even more rigid. "Look kid, save yourself the embarrassment, okay? I'm the only one here that can get across this monkey bar without falling," the blonde declares. It's now that they face each other did Izuku notice red blazing eyes. They looked...really cool, he was kind of memorized...

The flecked lad unexpectedly found the confidence to speak. "Nuh-Uh... I- I can do it!" He says timidly, he made it too far, he can't give up now. The two other kids besides the loud one looked at each other for a second, before they both started gathering up a crowd. "Hey everyone, someone wants to beat Bakugou's record on the monkey bars!!!" They yelled, which made the boy's, very much green hair, stand on ends.

Soon enough, more kids started showing up, their interest peaked, and there was now a small crowd around Izuku. Of course, it appeared that the universe was trying to set the boy straight. Well at the very least, that's what the small boy believed, "Go on broccoli head, show them what you're made of" Bakugou tells him. Izuku decides to stand tall with as much courage as he can summon, "It's Izuku Midoriya!" He speaks his name, making the whispering kids around him quiet down a bit. There were only twelve metal bars to go across with, he can do it.

So the boy the Allmight socks, jumps to it, his hands were already sweating from the gathering, but he will push through no matter what. One, two, three, "wow his really doing it!" A kid screamed, making the others hesitate, but surely start to cheer for him as well. Bakugou's smirk starts to fade a little.

The green haired one started to feel braver by the minute. The audience hyping him to keep going motivates him so much. Four, five, his hands started to sting from the hard thick metal. 'Come on Izuku, only a few more left' he believes, as he reaches for the sixth one. He hung there for a second to catch his breath, it was now his arms hanging high up that started to hurt. His eyes were prickling with tears, as he felt that he no longer had the strength to continue. "Giving up already?" Bakugou asks, 'I can't, it's too hard'...

and with that, Izuku let goes, luckily landing on his feet.

Izuku's heart saddened as he tightened his eyes shut to hold back tears, oh how he was so close but yet so far.

The kids nonetheless seemed impressed by how he made it halfway through and clapped anyways, probably out of pity.

Izuku looks down at his feet, noticing his Allmight socks had rolled down, he snaps out of his small daze as he felt a hand pat his shoulder. "Now, let me show you how to do it, this is Katsuki Bakugou!" bakugou speaks out, going to the steps that led to the monkey bars. Izuku moved out of the way so the others could look, and he himself stared up at red eyes as everyone else stared, Katsuki jumped the first bar.

One, two, three, four, five, six, the group started to count along with each other, as Bakugou kept moving forward. Seven, eight, nine, ten,



Even Izuku caught himself cheering for the other as Bakugou made it across the hardest monkey bar like he said he would. 'wow, that was awesome!' he thought, hands and face in awe.

The noises settled down, and the blonde was supposed to let go of the last bar to land on the steps across. Unfortunately, he missed the steps across completely and landed knees-first on the wood chips. Izuku let out a squeak of panic, anticipating crying, but Bakugou had gotten up, absolutely unfazed. Which all honestly should've reassured Izuku, but the flecked one couldn't help but still be a little worried.

"Lunch time kids!" An adult comes out to say while ringing a bell. The kids got to running and seemed to have all but forgotten what was happening a second ago? "Wow that was amazing, can I eat lunch next to you?" Izuku asks as the blonde stood there. "Well, since you did make it halfway across, I guess that you have what it takes! And nice Allmight socks, I have the same ones" he says looking down at the other's socks. "You like Allmight!?" Izuku squeals in excitement, "Of course! Only someone out of their mind wouldn't" Katsuki retorts.

"Yeah, I guess that's true" Izuku blushed, who knew that he could talk so comfortably to someone as cool as him, Izuku looks down at his feet shyly, and that's when he noticed. "you're bleeding!" He says loudly, pushing Bakugou down on his butt while he kneels down in front of him. "Relax, it's just a scratch, besides, only one knee is bleeding, it'll dry up soon enough," Katsuki says, seeming annoyed at the other's reaction.

Izuku frowned and green eyes started to water, he then leaned down. "MWAH" the green-haired one kisses the scratched-up knee. "A kiss to make it feel better" he says, making Katsuki look at him in surprise. "Yuck! You got blood on your lips" he says, getting up and away from Izuku's grasp. He licks it off.

"Well whatever, guess it's better now, but I think I lost my appetite, let's go, you nerd!" The blonde lets out.

"O-okay, but I have some bandages in my cubby if you need them" Izuku says. "Dude, I'll just ask the teacher if I need one" Bakugou responds with a giggle. "Well, mine are Allmight ones!" Izuku responds with a serious expression, he didn't want to take no for an answer. "The nurse has those easily" Katsuki replies, giggling more. "Fine then, I'll take you to the nurse, how about that" Izuku giggles while saying this.

They bantered like this till they reached inside the school. They wonder how they haven't noticed each other till now, telling that they're in the same class.


Thank you for reading, hopefully you can stay along for this one! Please leave a vote if you enjoy, and more chapters will be here soon. 💚🧡

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