Chap14| A prominent blush 

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The blonde was talking, they were sitting in the living room, jasmine tea on the coffee table and he was talking. It was probably important, scratch that, Izuku knew that it was because everything that came out of Katsuki's mouth was important in some way.

His voice was beautiful. That might be debatable for some but in reality, it really was. When he's calm, loud, quiet and all of the above, Izuku loved Katsuki's voice.

Right now it was like music to his ears, but this time he did not know the words. Or more like he didn't bother to listen to the lyrics.

His tea was getting cold but that had honestly been forgotten because who cared! Drinking tea is an everyday thing, but Kacchan liking him?! No f*ck that, loving him back! That's something he never dared to let cross his mind. Yet here he was, staring at a crazy possibility that ended up coming true at the end of the day. Maybe he was dreaming... maybe he hadn't confessed at all and imagined their kiss filled with tears and unheard emotions. No, it was too real to passionate to be a dream, it was real, oh my god it was real!

"Yeah so, I don't care if they know, but if you want them to know, you're the one who would have to tell them about us- Izuku are you listening!?" Katsuki asks with a frown. "Uh- yes of course!.." Izuku let out hurriedly, until he noticed the other's face not buying it, "No I wasn't, that was a lie earlier" Izuku disclosed softly with a shy blush. "It's just that... Kacchan love me!" He declares, with the most syrup-coded expression known to man, making Katsuki blush just as well.

"Tsk I knew that was a lie by the way, and I don't know what the big deal is, I've always loved you, you dumb*ss" the blonde responds quietly, trying his best to maintain eye contact, cause why would he get shy and sh*t around Izuku of all people.

"No, I mean like... romantically and stuff..." Izuku says, suddenly feeling timid as well. They stayed in silence of the night for a bit after those words, sitting there while both feeling how their faces were warming up.

Katsuki clears his throat to interrupt the tension in the air. "Yeah, whatever, I guess you won fair and square with this one... I guess you won my heart" he utters out, they froze as Katsuki just realized what he said and Izuku not knowing how to respond to that, the room was dead silent once more.

"Pfft- BWAHAHA what was that!? Hahaha!" Izuku laughs uncontrollably, making Katsuki shy away at that kind of reaction. "T-that was probably the cheesiest thing you have ever said!" The freckled admits, still laughing, "Shut up! I was trying to romanticize- f*ck you!" Katsuki says, turning away with his arms crossed, after giving up on his argument. "No wait- it was cute! Do it again~" Izuku whines out coming closer to the other.

Katsuki doesn't budge with a furious pout permanent on his face. "Kacchan~ sorry I laughed I wanna be romanticized!" Izuku lets out with a sad pout of his own, clinging to Kacchan on the right corner of the couch. "No! Now quit whining you big baby, you lost your privileges so just accept it and move-" *smooch* Katsuki felt a peck on the lips before he finished his sentence. "You're so cute you know that?" Izuku lets out with hooded eyes, making Katsuki freeze where he sits.

*smooch* "Now that I know that you love me too" *smooch* "I get other world-changing privileges huh," Izuku says in between pecks. As he goes for another one, Katsuki covers Izuku's mouth with his hand.

"When did- when did you get... so bold" The blonde asks with a heavy blush, he couldn't hide even if he wanted to. Izuku chuckles at the hand that blocked him, before removing it, "hee hee! Probably the moment I realized that you were now mine" the green-haired one responds, silencing them once more. "Okay wow- n-now look who's being cheesy" Katsuki lets out with an unsure victorious smirk on his face.

Izuku smirks as well, "Yeah, it definitely was... but you're still mine Kacchan, and now I'm yours." He enunciates with a telling look in his eyes.

Izuku leans in slowly, stopping halfway, and waits there for Katsuki to complete the distance between them. The blonde stares at Izuku's lips, then his eyes, he doesn't show any signs of moving closer.

"You know... I was about to give up... I thought you were straight" Katsuki confesses while looking away, his voice suddenly going small. The frecked one looks down at his lap and lets out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, I thought I was too for the longest time in high school... But when you made me feel things that I would only think to feeling for a girl, I knew then, it was something more" he says, finally looking up and grabbing Katsuki's hands gently into his. "What about Ururaka?-" "She's- that was a misunderstanding Kacchan, yes my first time was with her, but she was not the right person for me, she's just a great friend," Izuku says, not breaking eye contact once.

Katsuki sighs out, sounding more like a sigh of relief than anything else. They stayed and gazed upon one another for a bit longer than necessary, they somehow needed a way to confirm that this was real, and in their eyes, they never lied.

"Well... since I told you how I lost my virginity... i-it's only fair that you, you know" Izuku starts to say confidently before it quickly depleted into shyness at the end of his sentence. Katsuki raises an eyebrow in judgment.

"Well that's random, what makes you think I have?" He says in a teasing way, making Izuku panic a little. "No, it's not like that! Well actually it is a bit- but like look at you! T-there's no way- unless I misunderstood-" "Calm down, I'm only pulling your leg idiot, of course, I'm not a virgin hahaha" Katsuki chuckles out in amusement, as Izuku shrinks into himself, his hands now covering his face with a prominent blush.

"Do you remember that girlfriend I had in middle school?" Katsuki asks, "The one that moved away after four months or something like that?" Izuku answers. "Yeah... well my friends and people who really should've minded their business back then convinced us that we should do it before she moved, and yeah it was a bit weird at first since it felt a bit like an obligation, but we did it at her house while her parents were away and we got the hang of it and it was pretty good. Tsk, I remember how proud I was of myself when I managed to make her c*m with my fingers, even though I had no idea what I was doing, but neither did she so we were just dumb*sses back then, but at least we were safe" Katsuki says while shaking his head at the memories. And Izuku looks at him in amazement not knowing what to say.

"And there was also this one time when one of my guy friends who was so devastated to find out that we weren't going to the same high school invited me over right, and we drank beer and played video games. One thing led to another and he subconsciously accidentally confessed to me, well at least I think it was an accident, and I ended up giving him something to remember me by- I was so eager to try things with a guy! and he was pretty cute so I wasn't scared to or anything" the blonde lets out, reminiscing about that time.

"What did you give him?" Izuku asked intrigued. "You know" Katsuki did a jester that showed his tongue poking out and stretching his left cheek like something was in his mouth. "Yeah, I was so eager that he didn't even last a minute, he returned the favour of course and there was more mouth stuff after that and clumsy handjobs-" "Please stop talking" Izuku let out with a tremble to his voice. "Pfft! What are you jealous of or something? That was a long time ago nerd" Katsuki laughs off in confusion.

The green-haired one groans a bit in a conflicting way. "No... it's just that... I have a very vivid imagination and-" "HAHAH! Please t-tell me you're joking!" Katsuki cackles in amusement.

"Kacchan~ you know, compared to you I'm innocent, and you're so cool and experienced..." Izuku confesses, feeling more embarrassed. "That doesn't mean you can get off to my rookie sexual experience stories! Hahaha! F*cking weirdo!" Katsuki continues to laugh holding his stomach.

"Okay, I get it! You can stop laughing now, besides, I don't think we should do anything 'sexual' until we finish having our talk so..." Izuku declares, desperately trying to get his image back. Katsuki stops laughing at this and straightens up. "You mean while I talk and you daze off and not listen? Yeah okay," he says while crossing his arms over his chest. "I apologized for that~ Kacchan, you know I love listening to you" Izuku admits with a pout. The blonde rolls his eyes playfully at this then pats a bush of green curls for reassurance.

"Whatever, we should get to bed it's getting pretty late," Katsuki says with a yawn, "see you in the morning" *smooch* he pecks the freckled one's lips and gets up from the couch to head to his room. The other was left sitting there stunned.

"Wait! Does that mean we're official!?" Izuku asks, after getting his senses back. "You would know that answer if you were listening to what I was talking about earlier you nerd! Now goodnight!" Katsuki answers back with a scowl before slamming his bedroom door shut.


Sorry, it took a while! But hope you enjoy this chapter. 💚🧡

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