Chap3| Birthday party pt1

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At the UA Conference house, it was settled upon them to have their party meeting there, but seeing the place's condition, they decided to throw the party there instead.

So there they were, at Tenya Iida's place instead. It wasn't that unusual to gather here when it came to planning things, so they were able to get comfortable easily. Ururaka, Todoroki, Tenya, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Denki and Izuku we're all here.

A few people were missing from the list of party planners due to scheduling conflicts, but they could always catch them up to date later.

"So we know the place and time, and our PR teams allow us to only drink casually, I think we're good here, but we still need the type of beer brand to get." Kamanari lists out and looks at the list on his phone to see if anything else is missing.

"Don't you remember turd? Izuku barely gets a buzz out of that normal shit," Bakugou lets out, crossing his arms. "Oh yeah that's right, you said it's due to the one-for-all right?" Tsuty steps in to say, tucking her long green hair behind her ear and putting Izuku on the spot.

"W-well, beer and bad drugs doesn't really get to me like it does to other people is what they told me..." the freckled one announces calmly. The room patiently waits and listens as he explained.

"Really!? That sucks!" Denki declares loudly, making the others chuckle a little.

"Well except weed and well-aged wine, they do the trick pretty well!" Izuku quickly adds, making the others turn their head in interest. "Maybe it's because they're natural substances and not man-made?" Tenya suggests, getting a few head turns. "That sounds plausible," Ururaka says, making the others nod in agreement.

Todoroki raises his hand slowly, no matter how grown they've gotten, some habits just never seem to die. The visitors turned to face the icy-hot hero, "I know that Momo's wine collection never disappoints, neither does my father's, she and I will find some good ones" he says.

"Wow, you would go through all that trouble just for my twenty-first? thank you so much you guys," Izuku appreciates, with a hand to his chest dramatically.

As the gang started other conversations about the matter. That moment of conversation where they brought up his one-for-all made Izuku's mind flash back to the conversation he had with the previous users earlier.

The green-haired hero had been worried ever since his nose bled for two whole minutes that night. At first, he thought that it was because his excitement got too much. However, when the bleeding kept getting worse, all kinds of panic thoughts spend through his mind.

Izuku had originally come to them very nervously and asked if one-for-all was leaving. Of course, they all were confused by this, as they hadn't mentioned anything was wrong.

So, Izuku explained his situation and what happened, asking if it was going to be how it was with Allmight his beloved mentor. They took a minute to gather the information, and then explained to him how Allmight was a special case, and that one-for-all doesn't really 'leave you'. Toshi's body was sort of downgrading due to his immense injuries and as a result, his body was slowly rejecting the effects, thus one for all leaving his body.

Izuku was shocked at that information, but it made sense to him in the end. Although, if it wasn't his quirks that were the problem, what was?

It probably isn't anything too serious to search on the web for and ends up scaring himself more. The internet usually blew things out of proportion when it came to small problems he tends to have.

Today was the day to celebrate! His birthday was a few days ago, and he ended up spending s a bit of time with his family, it was nothing too fancy. When his friend suggested planning this party, he wasn't opposed to the idea but wasn't keen on it either, and now for some reason, he felt more invested than ever.

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