Chap5| So tell me

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"Wow, he looks actually dead- I thought the doctor said he was all good" a voice close by declares.

"Bakugou, don't say that! especially in front of Mrs. Midoriya," another voice says, except this one was higher.

"Crap, sorry auntie, he looks fine~" the same voice from earlier corrects. There was a heavy sigh as an older feminine voice speaks, "Don't worry about it, he does look a bit like a zombie right now".

Izuku knew those voices, as he slowly started to flutter his eyes open, the voices got clearer. Soon, he recognized Kacchan, Ururaka, and his mother, the three of them turned to face him with mixed expressions on their faces.

"Hey sleepyhead, glad to have you back" Inko greeted, as Izuku started to stir in the bed.

"I'm in a hospital aren't I?" He asks as he settles his head back down on the pillow with a groan. "So you remembered what happened before coming here right?" Bakugou asks, moving back so the others could get more room to check on how Izuku's doing.

"Not exactly... I just recognize the smell of a hospital, it's all a bit foggy but, I remember being at the party and-..." Izuku trails off on his sentence, frowning before looking up into space.

"Don't force yourself too much okay? Take your time, we can always figure this out later" Ochako says, and the room falls into silence.

Bakugou's tckscan be heard, which got the other's attention. "Sure was one great party," he says sarcastically, as the the air seemed to thicken.

"M-may I have some time alone with my son? Please, it won't take long" Inko asks, while grabbing and squeezing her son's hand. "Of course! We can always see Deku later, let's go Bakugou" Ochako says, looking at Deku once more but only getting to glance at the side of his head at a look she couldn't describe. It made her chest ache numbingly, as she looks down.

Bakugou took one look at the two, and it caused him to squeeze his fist together tight enough so no explosions could leak.

"Bye auntie, give him some self-care advice would you?" The blonde speaks up, in almost a whisper. Making Izuku squeeze his eyes, jaw clenching. Inko simply just smiled as Bakugou and Ochako left.

"They're quite some friends of yours, even the ones that came by earlier while you were asleep." She says, her smile not yet fading.

Only the sound of beeping on the monitor could be heard after a while. Their calm breathing hummed like a song of meditation in the room.

"Mom... I think I messed up, and I don't know how to fix it" Izuku announced quietly, making his mother turn her head to face him.

"Well, that depends on what kind of messed up you did, I'm guessing it can't be good if you ended up in the hospital over it," Inko says, getting a chuckle out of her son.

"..." Izuku couldn't quite bring himself to say anything that was really going on in his mind, so the silence fell upon them once more.

"You don't have to tell me anything- just know that you can't really fix some situations, but you can always make them better!" She lets out, before clasping tighter the hand of the freckled hero. "E-even, if that meant, leading someone on? Or something similar?" he questioned with hesitation, he could barely look at her, as he felt the embarrassment take over his face.

"Oh, that you're going to have to fix soon sweetheart, and it's gonna be hard I'll tell you that! Back in my days, my personality was really flirty- like really~ and the number of situations I've been through just revolving around that was too much-" Inko rambled on, as Izuku engaged.

"H-how did you fix those situations?-" Izuku asked as he sat straight up intrigued.

The door to the room opened up gently as a tall woman walks in. "Doctor, he's awake, just like you said he would be," Inko says with a smile. The doctor walks closer to them with her clipboard. "Looks like the test results aren't too much of a concern, everything seems to be working as it should be for a hero like him! Except for the huge question mark on my sheet of paper Mrs.Midoriya," she let out while flipping through the paper sheets in front of them.

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