Chap12| taste of blood

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The "not even get a taste of blood" period felt long to Izuku. Every day felt slower than it used to. Not daring to touch Katsuki much, he feared that he might lose control one of these days. Not even daring to come too close or close enough to get a scent from him or close enough to feel the other's warm breath trembling near his ear... as he bites down on that perfect skin... -God when will this torture end? He barely remembered how he would survive his day-to-day life without Kacchan's taste every now and then.

When that period had come to an end as it was finally over, it felt like a trick, Kacchan hadn't brought it up... Was he allowed now? Did he miscount the days? Izuku wouldn't know what to do if he were ever rejected by the blonde at such a desperate time.

During his break from Blood intake, his cravings never really went away, but luckily it got less intensified as the days went on. However, now that he realizes that his punishment might be over, he can no longer ignore his cravings. He likes to tell himself that it's not who he was, it's just a small part of him. Though that was true, it was something much bigger than a small part of him, and to accept himself for who he turned out to be, it would be wrong to ignore such things unintentionally.

Izuku got back from patrol about an hour ago and was supposedly getting ready to head to Momo's birthday dinner along with Katsuki.

Meeting with his friends and old classmates and having a great night with them sounds like a good time, but with Izuku's thirst making a comeback, staying still or even being around any other smell that is not the other's makes his skin crawl. However, here he was hiding out in his bedroom, not feeling like making the first move for once. He's sitting there waiting for the blonde to barge in and offer himself to him like some old-fashioned romance novel.

Of course, those expectations were pure fiction as Katsuki has not once made an effort to even step foot in the freckled one's room for the whole period that they've been living together. It's not as though he would have a reason to, but somehow, Izuku still hoped that today was a different case.

After getting ready with one of his best fanciest outfits, he realized that waiting was useless. The blonde wasn't going to make the first move, and no matter how bad his thirst got, he decided that two could play that game.

Izuku walked out of his room, with new settled determination in mind. They were heading to the same place ...together... ignoring this issue now would be pointless as one of them would eventually fail, and Izuku had decided that that person would not be him. It's a stubborn move as this topic mainly concerns him and his behaviour, but he was starting to get heavy-hearted about being the only one approaching the other. Technically, he's the only one who needs this, it's not the other way around, but by only helping himself all the time while using someone as great as Kacchan, it's easy to start feeling like a burden in this situation.

With a heavy sigh, Izuku made his way to the kitchen for a glass of water, hoping that it would somehow lessen the cravings. Of course, there he stood, Katsuki Bakugou, wearing tight-fitted black jeans, a matching black top, accompanied by a casual black blazer and some gold accessories.

This, of course, outdresses Izuku's try-hard regular high-waisted tuxedo he stored at the very back of his closet. Nonetheless, it leaves the green-haired one in awe all the same. 'A v-neck!? Kacchan you're killing me here~' The thought flies through Izuku's mind as he's left speechless.

"Glad to see you ready, looks like we might actually be on time for something for once" Katsuki spoke as he fixed his watch. "Y-yeah, I'm bad at keeping time sometimes hahaha" the other lets out awkwardly, finally catching the attention of those red eyes. "Don't take this the wrong way Izuku but..." Katsuki looks at him up and down, "I'm pretty sure my grandfather had that exact same suit, actually- I think he wore it at my graduation party too." The blonde says in an almost amazed tone, coming closer for a clearer inspection.

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