Chap13| As long as it's his

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Katsuki and Izuku made their way inside Momo's place after a dreadfully long and quiet car ride.

"So happy that you guys could make it!" Momo greets them, bringing them in a hug. "Happy birthday", Izuku lets out with a wide grin, "yeah happy birthday, good to see you too," Katsuki says as well. They take off their outside shoes and switch them for slippers as the black-haired one leads them to the dining room.

Already sat were most of their friends as expected, they were dressed elegantly for the most part as they sat in front of fine china. The dining room was as beautiful as it was since when they last visited the creation hero.

"Hey, Izuku come sit by me" a brunette with a bubbly wave spills out. Right from there, the attention of the room was shifted to them, and they greeted their ex-classmates and some old friends with a smile.

Izuku was determined to bury any unwelcome thoughts this evening as it was time to enjoy a lovely night out with friends.

The dinner was excellently served, having everyone in awe. However, as the chatter spun around the room and already had people asking for seconds, Izuku couldn't help but notice that there was an uncomfortable glance towards him coming from a red-eyed blonde not too far from where he was sitting next to Ochako.

And looks like his 'do not think of anything else' mindset wouldn't last through the night.

"Izuku, we have to talk okay?" Ochako whispers to him, snapping him out of his head. "Hm? What is it?" He asks, "I don't think here and now would be best" she answers him with a nervous tone. This made Izuku sigh out with some conflicted thoughts, Ochako was starting to feel more like a situation these days than a friend, and he didn't like that. So he decided a talk would do them great, no more running away from doing mature and adult things, especially if it is to deepen a friendship.

Maybe that thirst he held for a month really did clear some things up for him and it wasn't just pointless suffering.

The group finished eating with a song of "Happy Birthday" to their sweet birthday girl Momo Yaoyorozu.

They moved on to the lounge after that with champagne and cake at hand, catching up with everyone. Except, the two latecomers were acting much stranger than usual.

Katsuki Bakugou was in the center of Eijirou, Kaminari, Ashido and Sero as he down glasses of champagne-like shots. "You okay dude? You seem a bit... off tonight" Kaminari lets out sheepishly, taking the empty glass away from the other blonde. "M'fine, just get me another drink would y'a" Katsuki responds lazily, passing his hand through his neatly spiked hair.

"Tsk, what could that sparkly twink be saying that could be so f*cking funny!?" Katsuki lets out, pointing at Aoyama who was chatting with Izuku. His friends around him gave each other odd looks before guiding their attention towards Izuku and Aoyama.

"Hey Ashido, you like guys right?" The red-eyed one starts to say. "I suppose-" Ashido starts to mumble out, "Okay good, let's say you and this guy are in a heated situation, rubbing up on each other and stuff... you know that he's into it and he knows that you're into it- is it normal for that said guy to run away in the middle of it?" Katsuki asks, making Ashido freeze in thought.

Katsuki seemed to also be zoned out this much thought of his own as well.

Meanwhile, Izuku is drowning in his thoughts, overthinking to his full capacity. 'It wasn't that of a big deal, it's normal for us guys to pop a boner in weird times, it doesn't have to mean anything! Except this one does~ well at least it does to you Izuku- but what else could I have done but run!? What would have happened to this hard-earned relationship?' he argued with himself, as conflicting thoughts clashed with each other in his mind.

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