Chap15| This teasing pace

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"Kacchan... Do you like pain?" Those words were uttered out of the mouth of the freckled one without a second thought, as he finally pulled back from the other one's neck.

Katsuki gave him a nonchalant look, telling Izuku no answers.

They were in their locker rooms at the agency when Izuku decided that it was best to drink now. It was risqué but they knew this place better than most of the heroes here, especially the new ones.

They've never fed in such a place where people they knew roamed around, or at least going to be roaming around here in a few hours.

The question took Katsuki off guard as the bite mark on the crook in between his shoulder and neck started to slowly fade away, healing. "What?" He asked once his eyes regained focus again on the man in front of him.

"Do you like it?" Izuku asks again, almost in a challenging tone, that the other didn't know how to react to. After a moment of nothing, Katsuki's eyes finally widened a bit as he realized what the other meant.

"You can only hurt me 'cause I allow it," the blonde says, "answer the question" Izuku responds not missing a beat. Katsuki audibly gulps and his mouth starts to part to say something, and with a hesitation... "Yes," he replied after a long beat.

Izuku's forest green eyes were now almost fully blown black with how much his pupils dilated with that response.

Before Katsuki knew it, the green-eyed one leaned down to bite him once more, which earned a quiet moan. Izuku holds this pose for a bit but does not suck any blood.

He pulls back and makes eye contact with the other. For some odd reason, finding this not-so-well-hidden secret from the blonde lit a fire of something passionate inside him. He felt trusted with this information as if Katsuki wanted him to know this and even more. Looking back at the other, he could tell that he wasn't the only one who felt this fire. He knew they needed to discuss what this preference meant for them in the near future, but for now, he would relish the fact that he knew this.

Izuku leans in and gently kisses the red-eyed one, which Katsuki wastes no time to fully melt into and his arms come up to wrap around the other. They walk backwards to a bench barely being able to separate themselves.

Katsuki straddles Izuku surprising him when he was pressed gently to sit on the bench behind him. They stopped kissing to view the position they were in. Izuku's heart was beating so loud that he was sure the other could hear it, especially considering how close they were.

The long full stare didn't take long to turn into an eager makeout. Katsuki tangles his fingers along green strands of hair while Izuku maneuvers Katsuki closer, scarred hands gripping his hips. Little noises come out of both of them as deep kissing sounds invade the room, their bodies moving in sync. They quickly found a rhythm as more want seeped into the kiss.

Izuku had kissed before, a little bit like this too, but this felt different. This felt more important somehow, not that the other people he'd kissed didn't matter, but they just weren't right like Kacchan was. This is what it's like kissing the right person.

Katsuki lets out a groan as the freckled one grinds down slowly. They were rock hard and their tongue actions were getting sloppier and messier by the minute.

"You're really good at this" Izuku pulls back to say breathlessly, "Ah~ you look so hot right now" Katsuki responds automatically, also breathlessly. The green-haired one's already warm skin flushes to a rosy pink and clasps the blonde's hips a bit tighter.

"Mh~" Izuku moans out, as Katsuki gives his hair a slight tug, the other's smell was intoxicating this close.

They ate each other's faces, whimpering into each other's mouths for thirty minutes or so. Every time they would speed it up and seem to go further with different actions, they would steadily slow things down back into their familiar rhythm. Izuku seemed to be the one more in control of this teasing pace. They would stop here and there to catch their breaths and admire each other's rosy lips and heated faces. Only for that image in front of them to encourage them to keep going.

Katsuki was the first to show inpatients as he felt the tension build up to a degree that he could no longer slow down. He wants more, so he grinds down hard on top of the green-haired one with a sensual motion to his hips.

"Ah~ no no no baby stop~" Izuku whines out, breaking the kiss and being inches away from Katsuki's lips, gripping him tighter.

"Why?" The blonde ponders with an innocent tone, barely above a whisper, his movements slowed down. He can't even say to himself that his angry at how they got like this, even if they wouldn't be able to do more, because he is weak in the knees to deep kisses. And he would probably do this for hours if they weren't here right now.

The only thing is with this picture right now was that they were here and he knew that they were running out of time right now. "We gotta stay professional!! We can't get our uniforms dirty, especially since we have ten minutes left till I have to go" Izuku responds with a devastating tone.

Katsuki pouts at this, and his cheek is immediately caressed by a gentle thumb, which he leans into.

They haven't had many chances yet to be this soft and intimate with each other. They've been soft to each other in the past yes, when feelings were still mixed up and hidden and when life felt so big that it could engulf them. But never like this, never this free... I guess it could be said that this was one of their first experiences as official and post-love confession lovers.

"Wanna make us feel good, don't I feel good?" Katsuki mumbles out after a particularly seductive grind. "So good~ *smooch* taste good too, you're always the best Kacchan, fuck~" Izuku moans out, placing his head on the other's shoulder. He was testing his willpower at the moment and maybe if he couldn't see the other in front of him, look him in the eyes, this would be easier. This was so hot, and he'd probably never been this turned on forever, his face was steaming and he was so hard that it made him feel dizzy.

With a deep breath, he was able to calm himself the tiniest bit. "W-wait till we get home okay?" The freckled one lets out, he couldn't trust himself to say more than that.

Izuku finally looks up at Katsuki to see the other nod in agreement.

They left before anyone could catch them but had to take a minute to calm themselves down before going in front of others.

And with that recent conviction slash promise, the green-haired one was able to scan his part of the city and catch many bad guys he could find with ease. And Katsuki has never done his paperwork this fast before in a long time.


Happy late Easter! Enjoy this chapter

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