Chap6| That's not true

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The door closed behind Izuku as he entered the shared space. Upon entering the smell of egg drop soup him like the wind, and he noticed how the new house smell was already beginning to fade.

"Kacchan, I'm home" the freckled one lets out, walking to the kitchen where the aroma seemed to be coming from the strongest.

There, the person he was calling out to was standing in front of the stove. Katsuki didn't bother to turn around as he pours a bowl full of soup and placed it on the table.

Izuku slowly takes a seat in front of the island table, he could barely look Katsuki in the face.
"I'm home..." he says once more, as the sound of the blonde pouring another bowl of soup could be heard, then placing it on the island countertop.

They stay in silence as Katsuki takes a seat in front of the other and puts two spoons down while moving a bowl closer to him.

"I-is this one mine?" Izuku asks as he hesitated to grab the spoon.

"No, it's for the dog next to you" the other speaks out with a sarcastic tone as he drives a spoon full of soup in the pallet. Katsuki let out a heavy sigh, after swallowing some soup. "It's supposed to help you feel balanced, after a faint spell, now eat it" he snarls. Making Izuku quickly grab a spoon full himself. "Thank you for the meal," he says hurriedly.

They ate in mostly silence, only slurping sounds could be heard from eating the soup.

It didn't take long before their bowls were empty and set aside. Katsuki gets up and walks to the fridge, coming back with two water bottles. Izuku got up, not feeling right sitting, and he was handed a water bottle.

"Is this about one-for-all? Did something happen?" The blonde eventually spoke up, at last making eye contact. The green-haired one was taken aback by this, as they haven't talked about one-for-all in some time.

"N-no it's fine, one-for-all is fine, nothing new about it this time" he chuckles out a response, suddenly feeling shy. "You would tell me right... I've been the first to know for sh*t long, so you better not be hiding anything now or else" Katsuki sounds off, finishing up his water bottle with a tight squeeze to the bottle.

Izuku takes a huge gulp from his water bottle, only leaving a sip worth of it left, then exhales calmly. "Kacchan, from the beginning, you're the only one that I ever really wanted to tell of this to. So trust me when I say that this is not about one-for-all..." he gently says, and Katsuki's eyes softened.

"I think that I just drank a bit too much that's all" Izuku proclaims, while looking away.
Katsuki tsked at that with a quiet 'whatever' at the tip of his tongue.

The red-eyed one's now roommate had always seemed to get himself injured, so it was realistic that he would do so even at his own birthday party. It was a matter of time before he stopped caring...

"We're you with cheeks before coming to see me?" The blonde polled, after gathering his thoughts. Izuku was taken aback by this question, as the memories of that night replayed like an old film in his mind.
"I was with my mom just now" Izuku deflected, scratching the back of his head. "No- not now, at the goddamn party moron" Katsuki clarifies.

The freckled other's heart skipped a beat, he wasn't entirely ready to speak about the party. Specifically how it felt... being there, doing those things. He had hoped to be able to bury those thoughts for now, not forever, but just until he was ready to face them.

Izuku anxiously starts to stutter in his speech before finally giving a full answer. "No... I greeted her along with the others, but I wasn't with her... for the whole time is what I meant" he informs, not being able to look the other in his eyes once more.

"Bull! I don't know if you could tell, but you're not a good liar, I saw hickeys almost all over her on our way to the hospital, and I noticed yours when you came in, they haven't fainted yet." Katsuki affirms, making Izuku's gut plunge unexpectedly, he felt dirty for an unknown reason.

"Beats me to why you chose to lie to me about this, but hope she gave you a nice birthday," he enunciates, before turning around to walk away.

"Wait! I don't wanna leave things like this-" Izuku lets out, having a hard time continuing.

"Like what? If you wanna go out with cheeks that's your business, but I thought I knew you long enough to actually get you to be f*cking honest for once," the blonde declares with a snarl. "You don't need my permission or anything like that, we're roommates not f*cking married, but I don't wanna be caught off guard if I see her in our kitchen one morning," he conveys with enough venom to get the other to cringe away a bit.

Bakugou's semi-loud breathing was the only thing that could be heard by the two as they stood facing each other. Izuku, for a person who always seemed to have something to say, was at a loss for words.

"It's n-not like that, I-" he tries to stutter out, and an overwhelming feeling takes over him.

"Look, I know that it was me that read the room wrong back at the party I'll admit that, so forget that part," Katsuki speaks out.

"No- that's not true! The room was read right!" Izuku yells out. As a matter of fact, the freckled hero had been waiting for the room to be read right for as long as high school. 'I should just tell him what's going on, maybe, just maybe he won't think I'm crazy. But what if he does believe me and gets involved in something where they have to take him away? Or worst. Make him stop being a hero due to what he knows. It's safer if I don't worry him.' Izuku argues with himself.

"I thought that you grew out of that mumbling crap! You know what- when you're ready to" Katsuki starts, before getting interrupted.

"T-this is just a huge misunderstanding, you did nothing wrong Kacchan, and I do trust you, so trust me when I say nothing new is going on with me." Izuku lets out, grabbing the other's shoulders. They looked into each other's eyes for as long as they needed to, before Bakugou, hesitate, but surely calm down.

"Yeah, okay I get it, you can quit being mushy now" he responds, earning a small smile from the Izuku.

That night, as the green-haired hero headed back to his room, and on his nightstand, Katsuki's version of the friendship bracelet was sitting on his nightstand. Kacchan might have mixed there's up, he thinks, but he liked this arrangement better. The bracelet on the nightstand sat with some orange accent, making it pop in the light of the room.

Izuku decided not so long after settling down in his room that it was time to open the book his father left him. He hesitated before, not knowing if opening this book might release some ancient curse or something. He was now willing to take the risk as nothing could go any worse than that conversation with Bakugou.

Or so he thought.


Kinda of a short chapter but let's keep the drama one chapter at a time, shall we?

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