Chap2| A lot to unpack

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Deku was on patrol first thing in the morning today, which was odd, counting for the fact that most crimes that need to bother one of the best Heroes out there happens at night. Looks like there have been some unexpected crimes lately.

As expected, there were a few villains here and there, nothing that he couldn't handle or needed a backup for, petty thieves, all of them. This is what he likes to say to himself, but sometimes he can't help but wonder if these
"villains" do need the things that they steal, or are they just greedy people who want everything nice without asking for it? Everyone has secrets of their right?

Nonetheless, he still had to basically peel off his suit that gave a light, but still attending stench of sweat. "You're patrol's already over big guy?" A rope hero under the same agency asks. "Yeah for now" he responds nonchalantly, taking his bag and stuffing it with the remains of his things. Usually, he would run himself under some water in his own changing place, but he was currently in kind of a rush. Either way, his personal locker room was farther than this one, so it saved him some time.

For now, Izuku's changing with some sidekicks, yes, Allmight's agency had enough space, regardless, he was still very grateful for his own private area.

He was just running out of time today, and from the stares in the locker room, he wasn't the only one. it was in fact in honour of Allmight, that "new" heroes, although young, were put under the shadow management of his company. Speaking of heroes, the other one walks in time with the staring, hero Dynamite.

"Oh, Kacc- I mean Dynamite, you're here as well?" Izuku asks surprised, as the blonde hero seemed to be in the same situation as him. Running out of time and changing with some sidekicks that is.

"Yeah, but not for patrol, for an investigation of some stolen weapons, I mentioned it earlier this week" the hero answers.

"I- yeah, I remember, I just didn't know it was this morning..." Izuku's words died down on his tongue as they drooled out of him. He then closes his eyes to inhale deeply. "I know I've never said this out loud before, but... You smell really good" the now messy green-haired hero calls out.

Izuku has noticed the delightful fume Kacchan always seems to have, whether it was light or not, but today for some reason, his nose picked up on it clearer. The only way he could describe picking up on Katsuki's scent today was- it made his brain melt a little, but he quickly forced himself to get used to it. As for the other eyes in the room that kept glancing at their space since the blonde hero's arrival, they knew that the spiky-haired one's smell wasn't new news.

"Yeah- that's nitroglycérine for you, not really the f**king manliest smell out there" Bakugou grumbles out, while throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

"I think it suits you, almost like a balance," Izuku says, as he finishes changing. He guesses that Kacchan was here to also be quick.

After all, they'll be headed to the same place after this. Yes, Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya, will be going to the same location, and Bakugou's driving.

They were in the car with the air conditioning on low, driving to an area that wasn't too far from where they were a few moments ago. It was still a bit hard, even for them to believe, that they were driving to where they will be officially living together.

Officially as in business, yes from awkward classmates to rivals, to friends? Or whatever they had going on, will have to share the same living space. As strange as that may sound, it was agreed upon them ages ago, well, if last month counts as ages.

There was a popular radio music station playing throughout the car ride so far.

It was initially, their agency who proposed the idea, but at the end of the day, they made the final decision. Since they're one of the best heroes out there, they cover more ground than the average.

Let's just say that Deku's and Dynamight's part of town is one of the safest there is, and they have top-tier, well-trained sidekicks.

They do business trips here and there, but this month has calmed down for the better. Hero's life has been good to them so far. They visit elders with qualified experience, and every now and then they would dedicate time to learn and train among them.

They finally arrived, parking the car near the new location just in time to admire the full rise of the sun, but their administration to the rising start would have to wait. 

Focus was quickly replaced by the building in front of them. Izuku wasted no time going in as he still felt a bit unclean due to the rush of this morning.

It was a beautiful penthouse-like building, from the outside, it gave a more subtle look to it. The inside, not so much, with one-sided glass as large windows, it also held elegant decor all around. From what they saw in the car, the neighbours were far down from around here.

The best part about this arrangement is, they didn't have to spend a dime on it. Except for some insurance complications, their sponsors and some members of their management who pulled some strings, it was paid in full.

The two heroes make it to the living area level, and the fresh new house smell is like none other. The smell of polished tiles and an overall pristine aroma he hasn't indulged in yet comes to Izuku slowly.

He then notices Bakugou just by scent a few inches away from him. "Damn, I thought they would miss the 'only for two people' memo, but guess not," the blonde one says. They both stare out in front of the huge windows, finally able to admire the sunrise.

"Have you picked a room yet?" izuku asks not willing to look at the other yet, still trying to get the image of the man in the changing room out of his mind. He saw that Bakugou had gathered a set of new scars that the freckled one hasn't seen before, at least, that's what he wished had piqued his interest back there.

Nonetheless, Katsuki was right, the sizing of the place was perfect, it was not too large and over the top but not too simple and stuff. The full sunrise view was breathtaking so far, making them anticipate what the view would look like in the nighttime.

"Since it was so late the last time we saw the place, I placed my bags in a random room, you?" Bakugou announces after they both removed their shoes, moving more towards the view.

Izuku couldn't process fast enough all of these new changes, he could hardly believe that his relationship with Kacchan evolved so much.

It's been now freshly three years since they graduated, minus all the sh*t that happened since, and he was grateful they made it threw all of it. The blonde barely changed since, but at the same time seemed to have changed so much. Those eyes, which he swears he remembers the first time he gazed upon them as kids, still pulled him in.

Izuku can't help but feel warmth when the other smiles, or giggles, or even when he scrunches up his face in disgust. Not to mention his heart still flips when those eyes get serious.

He had hoped that he has gotten used to it by now, and in a way he did, but in moments like these, where it's just them and no added adrenaline... his reminded of how lucky he is- "Hello? Izuku!" Katsuki's voice rises.

"You've been staring and shit for a while now" he continues, the blonde lets out a sigh as he notices Deku trying to find words. "Let's just find our bags and get something to eat later" Bakugou suggested with a pink hue to his face. "R-right, I have a lot to unpack," Izuku says, scurrying off to find his bags.

Making it to his room, Izuku needed to get his mind off things and do anything else but think. As he was unpacking his things, the freckled one was hit with the realization that one of his rare Allmight sweatbands was left in the car. With a heavy sigh, he was also reminded to take a nice shower, the sweatbands could wait.

Figuring out how the shower handles worked took him embarrassingly longer than expected, but either way, it was worth it in the end for that sweet relief of any lingering stress as the warm water hit his body.

As his shower was near its end, and he started washing away the soap, flashes of the explosive hero's scent hung back in his thoughts. But unlike before, he for some reason remembered it being alluded with something different.

Izuku got out of the water to erase these thoughts, but instead noticed what appeared to be blood!? Dripping on the perfect floors, he looks in the mirror to see that his nose was bleeding.


Izuku & Katsuki moves in together, totally nothing awkward is gonna happen right?

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