Chap9| This was wrong

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Katsuki was slammed gently, back first against the wall. "Slow down, we're still in public you idiot!" he says, struggling against the hold of the green-haired one to no avail. His body tenses up as he feels the sharp fangs puncturing the thin pale skin of the base of his neck near his collarbone. It was easy access, due to his summer hero suit.

"Ah!" the blonde lets out an unwilling noise, covering his mouth quickly as he allows the other to slowly finish.

It was midday after they managed to capture a bunch of heist members earlier in the afternoon. After agreeing to head back to headquarters to do their reports, they instead. Found themselves in a random ally Izuku basically dragged Katsuki toward.

"It said two gulps!" Katsuki yelled making the other pulled away with a hazy gaze, nodding without a word to then going back in to lick the wound he caused.

The week has passed without any withdrawals from Izuku, unlike the other time. Katsuki was still very much skeptical about all of this, but he kept his word. It was weird for him at first, but with patience, he's trying his best to get used to it. After that successful week, Izuku took it as a green light to use the other as frequently as possible, ignoring the book. Well, not completely, he takes sizably under the recommended dosage, just to come back for more either on the same day or another.

Cutting meetings short to sneak into the restroom, there's the spacing out during interviews, or even in public as they are now, in an alleyway in broad daylight. He just couldn't help himself.

"I need my energy" Izuku finally declares, pulling back for the final time. Katsuki frowns at this but seems to have lost his bark he usually has. "Tck, your eyes are doing the veiny thing again" he mentions, as his now barely visible black veins retract from where his dark circles were. "You better not be trying to kill me," Katsuki says, checking the mark that's already fading from the base of his neck with his finger tips, making him shiver.

"Sorry" Izuku apologies, as they make a move to head back.

The fight earlier that day, took them both by surprise. Katsuki was hit off guard, right when he was about to catch what appeared to be the leading. He stumbled on the floor for a few seconds before getting back up. Amazingly, without blowing up, and when Izuku had asked if the other was okay while the cops took the group away, a simple, I'm fine was mumbled back. The green-haired hero knew of only one way to get a hint of the truth out of the blonde, he had figured it out not so long ago.

Izuku, ever since the first draw of blood, has been able to taste a glimmer of emotion, from the other. At first, he thought he turned into some sort of empath, but when it was only Katsuki's he felt after tasting him, it was obvious something different.

He knew this was wrong, even if he could only taste a recent emotion if he focused hard enough, but it was worth it. A prominent invasion of privacy yes. But... Kacchan was never really as open as how he was to him. The blonde would blow up and only show one side of himself to most people in his life. To Izuku he's seen multiple sides of him, but only when he's actively not trying to hide the other sides of himself openly. With this tactic, he wouldn't have to keep guessing, he wouldnt have to be in confusion, and his curiosity was being filled. It's not healthy, and it's definitely causing a bit of an obsession to Katsuki's blood for other reasons than the apparent one. 

"You're done this early?" Katsuki asks as he watches Izuku pack up his computer and bag. They were sitting at the red eyed hero's office place, since his office was more organized to do a short report like this one.

"I decided to do it later, I have..." Izuku starts then he trails off. Katsuki sits there and waits. 'I've always trusted Kacchan, and he trusts me, he contemplates with a hesitant look. "I have to go on a date with Ururaka right now" he blurts out after a deep breath. Expecting anything harsh, he looks down at his shoes.

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