Chap8| A mutual agreement

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Izuku sat there for a while, too stunned to move. The lingering liking of the blood in his mouth was slowly tasting into something that made his own blood run cold. The taste of fear. A flavour had been there before, but just barely, It's now as his back into the world, and he realizes it.

His heart started drumming against his rib cage as what he had done registered.

With a panic, he fled his room to chase after the other.

Notedly, as he reached the other's room, the door was locked, probably in every possible way that it could be locked.

"Kacchan" Izuku says out with the most gentle voice he has ever muttered. "Let's talk about this... please, let me explain" he speaks out quietly, head resting on the door. He says this knowing that he himself doesn't know how to explain his actions.

A deafening silence took over the house, maybe it would be best for him to let the other gather themselves first, which would give him time to gather his thoughts.

Izuku turns away from Bakugou's room and instead heads to the kitchen, clean as always with soup still in a pot.

The hero didn't feel very hero-like at the moment, he felt absolutely terrible, he really did, but in reality, a twisted part of him felt extraordinarily amazing. Truthfully, this is the first time in a while that he actually felt like himself again, but better. Like how he would feel if he ate clean, took a long bath, slept for a good amount of time and was full of energy. At the moment, he could barely remember how that dreary feeling that had taken over him the past weeks had felt just a second before the whole incident.

Thinking back on what happened, he looked down at his shirt, seeing how ruined it got from sweat, blood, saliva. The realization of what he had become or more like he had done, made him feel a doomed sensation. The kind that people have when they look back on messed-up memories of all the things they've done or said. Except that this was not the past, but the present, and he was still living in that moment, realizing he was so wrong.

He has to go get himself cleaned up, Izuku thought, suddenly feeling disgusted in his skin, the one he grew to slowly love after feeling damaged for so long. The dread was coming back to him, and the room was getting smaller as he started to walk to go to his room. His heart was pounding like crazy, before, what happened hadn't sunken in until now.

Izuku stopped in his tracks as his vision started to get blurry and his cheeks felt warmer as liquid rolled down from them. The lump in his throat was unbearable and he couldn't help but start to cry uncontrollably.

It was a quiet sob at first, not even realizing the moment he started to full-on wail in the middle of their kitchen.

The now blotchy face one didn't understand why his emotions felt like they were all over the place. It felt like when he was in middle school all over again, and he couldn't control how he reacted to things.

Izuki didn't stop sobbing for a while, he didn't stop sobbing until he felt a warm and on his shoulders.

It didn't take long for him to turn while still on his knees and face the other and bowed down further. "K-Kacchan~ I didn't want to hurt you!" he hiccups out. Crying out apologies after apologies, not wanting to look up and see what face the blonde might be making.

"If you're really sorry, get up and quit acting like a baby and explain yourself" Katsuki stern out. Making Izuku's whimpers lessen and he acknowledged how there were no curse words to the other's tone.

The green-haired one took a minute to settle down and catch his breath. When the Kitchen was stilled with only sniffles, Izuku talked. "... You're the one" was spoke up with a crack to his voice. "The one to what" Katsuki enunciates with an expressionless face. Izuku looked up at Katsuki's dishevelled shirt, with blood still stained on it. He was about to cry again if he kept on looking, so he looked away.

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