Chap4| Birthday party pt2

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Izuku made it to the bathroom with a stutter on his steps and locked the door. "Get it together. you know what to say, don't make it weird, it's just Kacchan" he tells himself, calming down his breathing.

The hero bend a bit with a small wince as his face grimaced and that loud wet drumming sound was steadily getting closer, and closer.

He quickly opened the bathroom door and was faced with pink cheeks, Ochako, 'oh' he thinks, as he concentrated on the shorter hero in front of him. The music was back to normal.

"Oh, when did you get here? I was looking every-" Ochako's words were cut short by a hasty hug. "Did you get a new perfume? You smell different" Izuku declares after slowly letting go of the smaller hero.

Then froze only for a second as he realized what he just did, to everyone else including them, they didn't really have the hugging type of friendship.

Hard to tell from the lights changing colours, but Ochako seemed to have changed colour a bit. "I-it's hard to hear around here, so let's dance instead and talk later birthday boy!" she raises her voice to say with a small smile.

The sound Izuku thought he heard seemed to be no longer around but instead was replaced by Ochako's new scent.

He had a furious urge to follow it, so he allowed Ururaka to lead him to the dance floor without another thought.

Ururaka was Jumping to the music while Deku stiffly but surely moved along as well. The shorter one notices this and laughed soundly, "Don't get all stiff on me now, stop thinking and just dance!" She yelled over the music.

Izuku, not much experience at parties and all, decided not to think and just follow what felt right.

He pulled Ururaka to him and put his nose where he could smell her the best. For just a moment, his brain seemed to have finally registered and he could think a little clearer.

The other one froze at this for just a second before deciding to go along with this and turn around to start moving her hips from side to side, basically grinding on the green-haired hero.

Izuku grabs her hips tighter at this and starts to kiss her neck.

Ururaka, after leaning back into the touch, quickly pulled away grabbing Izuku's arms along in the process. Pulling him threw the crowd in a rush, they ended up going up the stairs to a secluded area, a bedroom.

They wasted no time getting closer to one another. At first, they just stood there, in each other's arms, till the distance reduced naturally.

Izuku took off his vest as Ochako flings her purse down.

The kiss was fast and desperate, clinging to one another like they would sink without the other. Izuku picked her up and carried her to the bed and continued from there, Ochako hiked up her skirt and pulled down her underwear, she was wet.

Then she grabbed Izuku's pant belt and started unbuckling it. "Wait, s-somethings n-not right-" the green-haired one forced out, his eyes could barely be seen in the dim light of the room.

It took almost all of his strength to spill that out, all of his instincts right now were telling him to go along with this, and one for all was nowhere to be heard. Ururaka grabbed his face into her hand, "It's okay, I'm on the pill, let's take it slowly okay?" She soothed with the most delicate voice his ever heard. As his face was pulled closer to hers, his uncertainty washed away, as her scent washed over him.

'Oh, my-' he thought "Ah ~" moaned out, while burring his face in her neck, her heart beating as fast as his. "Ohh~ you're p-pretty big" she states breathlessly, as Izuku started kissing her neck. He quickly pulls away, "Should I stop? I'm sorry," the freckled one asks, a bit panicked.

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