Chap7| State of being

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//Popular uprising hero Deku facing burnout//

The headline flashes brightly on the cover of the 'Weekly Hero News'. This news was no surprise to some of Izuku's colleagues as they sat in the lounge, ready to go home for the day.

"Midoriya-san is this you?" A sidekick waves a magazine cover in front of the hero on the front page cover. "They're right you know, you've been... off lately, don't get me wrong you're still catching'em but-" "What he means to say is that you should get more sleep these days! Don't we all" another sidekick says, quickly interrupts his friend.

Izuku, with his gym bag around his shoulder, and heavy eyelids, squints his eyes to look at the cover of the magazine. There he was, a perfect shot at that, him hoisting a bank robber under his arm. All with the good of life drained from his face.

These past few weeks comments on his appearance and health situation have been more frequent. It wasn't bad at the beginning, only a few light teases here and there, but this magazine cover made the people who didn't bother him more aware. It was now getting too noticeable to be a joke anymore. He was losing his colour, and he has never been the type to get dark circle problems, but he seems to be one now. However, the cover of the glossy magazine made the picture appear to be worse than how he actually felt that day. 

It wasn't as though he was 'tired' or burnt out per se, more so of feeling uncomfortable with the buzzing on top of his head that constantly reminded him that something was missing and that he NEEDED that something.

The hero has been having more than enough strange dreams to get the hint of what he required exactly.

With that, there were murky instructions in the book and he tried to follow them, but it didn't seem to work, or at least worked properly for him. It read something along the lines of how he was supposed to get this 'gift' at 25 years of age. He's theorizing that he got his prematurely do the one-for-all. 

It was clear to him after reading over and over, that he was indeed a so-called half-breed.

Folk tales and bad dramatic romance films are the only places he's heard about vampires. Regardless, to actually believe in those tales and be living proof of them is a whole completely different story.

There's A section in the book that talks about how they existed long before the quirk society that they all know today. From what he researched, less than 1% of their population was recorded to the public, and those facts are from over 50 years ago or so.

For a half-vampire like himself, it says that two big gulps of blood should suffice for a week or two (depending on the tolerance)...wrist takes more time to get that portion of the dosage ...the base of the neck takes merely enough time and any other soft and tender part of the body will fix you quickly. End of intrusions, vague if Izuku could put it into one word.

He looked through the glossary, and no chapters explained what the intake of blood was good for, just that full Vampires 'die' if they don't drink it.

It also states that the first thirst could feel so strong that it is often blurred as something along the lines of lust for fresher vampires.

Izuku was very conflicted about these pieces of information and didn't know how to feel about discovering that he was something more than himself. It was a strange feeling, almost like the time his mother told him that his part Thai was caused by his great-grandfather. To him, his ethnicity was fully Japanese, and he had never been part of Thailand's culture, except for the food. It was hard to comprehend how he could be part of them while being alienated from their practices.

Of course, in this case, it's extreme, there are history books and cities he can use to learn about Thailand, and it's a real place for everyone. But there are only fairytales and colouring books about vampires, and their in the dark for every other information.

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